Young people living in Alexandra are among the most Intelligent and fascinating people, they live in one of the most densely populated environments and certainly one of the most dangerous places In South Africa. A township of about 3 Million people, Shacks and Informal settlements are all over the place, Alexandra is basically Gaza in its own right. Even though The Apartheid regime collapsed 30 years ago , the people of Alexandra are feeling the economic after shocks today. Because of the poverty and high unemployment rates ,young people In Alexandra oftentimes get Involved In crimes such as armed robberies, Home Invasions , Mob Justice, Murder and Car Hijackings. Young girls often develop a deliquent behavior and attitude towards their parents, most of them engage in sexual Intercourse from the age of 12 years old and a disturbing trend of young girls smoking hard drugs such as crystal meth which leads to mental Insanity. I think I am in the right position to say Parents are often and unintentionally directly Involved In the demise of their children. If Children feel Isolated, not spoken to and oftentimes Judged and reprimanded by parents, the youth will rebel and deviate. A selected majority of White South Africans have " Mastered " the art of perfect parenting, Many White South Africans do not believe in corporal and physical punishment, Usually When teenagers rebel or develop a deviant behavior many of the challenges are solved through dialogue and various professional Interventions. Many White South Africans send their children to Therapy Sessions and other trauma related Interventions In direct contrast to the majority of Black South Africans who unintentionally Ignore trauma.