Alexandra Chalupa on the aftermath of the Mueller Hearings. Excellent reading

Yesterday, Democrats on both the House Judiciary Committee and Intelligence Committee did an exceptional job interviewing Special Counsel Mueller and shining light on truth and the serious crimes of Donald Trump and his accomplices. Chairman Schiff and Chairman Nadler were powerful, sharp, and clear when setting the tone. The Democrats on these two committees were focused, thoughtful, respectful, and strategic in their questioning - they all brought their “A” game. We should all be proud of these Democrats for defending our nation, while their Republican colleagues continue to distract and tried to smear Mueller throughout the process. Republicans’ greatest fear is that the truth is all going to be exposed.

These hearings individually and collectively made it clear that an Impeachment inquiry is mandatory. The time for debating this is over.

Schiff summarized Mueller’s main points:

?? Russia interfered in our election to help Trump.

?? Russians made numerous contacts with the campaign.

?? Campaign welcomed their help.

?? No one reported these contacts or interference to FBI.

?? They lied to cover it up.

Moreover, in a brilliant move, the Dems, the final minutes of the Intel heading, got Mueller to admit that there is an going FBI counter Intelligence investigation that has a lot more important information. Mueller and Schiff made clear that the Russians continue to attack the US through hybrid warfare and that our 2020 election is not safe.

Now, let’s explore Kellyanne Conway’s counter to the investigation. Conway oversees an army of paid propagandists who spew her talking points. Here’s the strategy of their counter to Mueller’s hearings:

1) Gaslight

2) Pretend Trump is celebrating a victory, to cover over the damaging information

3) Push clips of GOP asking Mueller dumb questions, distract from truth, character assassinate Mueller.

4) Trump team works phones with journalists to push propaganda and plant stories.

5) Lying Pundits Army takes to the airwaves.

Special shoutout to Chuck Todd for once again proving to be a vile disgrace and morally bankrupt coward who should be immediately fired from MSNBC and Meet the Press. There are many who are showing they are morally and financially corrupt. There is no such thing as being a little corrupt, just like a woman cannot be a little pregnant. You either are or are not. Chuck Todd and Sean Hannity are both corrupt news personalities who peddle Trump propaganda in different ways.

As for Kellyanne’s paid-for pundits telling Democrats to move on. What we saw yesterday was a strong coalition of powerful Democratic leaders that are preparing for the next phase and are about to launch full force on this Putin-backed presidency, which will be held accountable.

For anyone who believes the Kellyanne Kremlin crew’s lies about Trump celebrating yesterday as a victory, I have a four-page William Barr gaslighting letter to sell you; look how that turned out for them. Take a look at the White House press conference that followed the hearings. Trump is a cornered animal, dangerous and unhinged, panicking for what’s coming next, knowing full well he would be in prison right now if not president. Look how aggressive he was with this female NBC News reporter; this is not a sign of a confident man that’s celebrating as his propagandists want us to believe. This is the behavior of a guilty coward who only has his lies left and those accomplices he’s bought to help him promote them, all of whom will be exposed for betraying America in our darkest hour:

The more dangerous GOP response came shortly after Mueller and Dems warned that our elections are in grave danger. Republican Senators voted against protecting America’s democracy against hostile foreign hybrid warfare that can impact the outcome of elections. All in plain sight:

Trump and his illegitimate administration should view yesterday as a warm-up. This clip from House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff questioning Mueller is a must-watch, very powerful. The best is yet to come.

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Preview YouTube video WATCH: Rep. Adam Schiff’s full questioning of Robert Mueller | Mueller testimony

WATCH: Rep. Adam Schiff’s full questioning of Robert Mueller | Mueller testimony


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