Alex goes out for Enchiladas and loses 4lbs... Here's why ??
George Dobson
Health & Fitness Consulting System for Software Engineers/ sedentary workers to Optimise Metabolism and transform their quality of life (Clients lose 50lbs ?? in 6 months)
Weight is only 1 of the metrics we use for fat loss. If you want to lose fat and keep it off, the scale must go down and it must go down fast.
At the same time, you should also notice improved energy, gym progression and increased body leanness. (unless you're a seasoned bodybuilder).
These are also important metrics.
The reality is that over a short enough time period, all of these metrics can lie.
The scale will fluctuate, your body will feel "pudgier" on some days, your energy may dip in a deficit (wow, shock) and you will have weak days in the gym.
But if you're hitting your process goals correctly ("Process goals" = The day-to-day actions we mandate to get fast and sustainable fat loss) this will never happen simultaneously and NEVER for long periods.
What did Alex do?
The typical fat loss for a client per week is 2 lbs per week.
So when Alex remained the same weight for a week whilst doing everything correctly, I told him to go binge out! (This was right for his situation. Don't just do that every week if you don't see fat loss ??)
The scale doesn't matter if you know you're doing everything correctly. It will shift eventually. But your body holds on to weight (I said WEIGHT, not fat) when it's stressed.
The fat loss process is stressful. So ideally, we trick the body into believing that food is everywhere and easy to access, so it doesn't need to stress out and hold a bunch of weight, water, inflammation, waste etc...
So Alex did what anyone in this situation should do. He went for Mexican food.
The next day he dropped from 210 to 206!
The benefits:
So you may be thinking; "If the weight would drop eventually and the scale doesn't matter which means that he was losing fat still, why bother with the cheat day".
Because we need to listen to our bodies in the fat-loss process.
If everything would go exactly the same for everyone in a fat loss phase, I wouldn't coach, I'd just sell programs. But that's not the case.
Alex's body was showing signs that the stressors in his life are getting the better of him. The goal is not "fat loss at all costs".
That mentality is what's gonna make 90% of you quit your New Years resolutions before the end of January next year!
The mindset is "lose fat fast and sustainably". This means health and fitness works into your lifestyle. It doesn't replace your priorities.
Next week's article:
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