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Alex Carter
Helping you build your talent pipeline with our personal & leadership development retreats ? Currently training to swim The English Channel in 2025 ??
Only about 20% of people have flow moments once a day
Moments where things tend to link together with effortless ease
Most people however, spend time on a rollercoaster in and out of stress
Where their central nervous system is overloaded with cortisol and adrenaline
Their attention fixates on their worries or their to do lists
and they go round in circles
Unable to take advantage of that 30 mins between meetings to get anything done
Brain fog hijacks the brain’s circuitry
And you forget what you were doing
Or you struggle to connect and be present with others
You’re just waiting for your time to speak
Because you’re unable to actually, truly listen
When you can’t process these emotions effectively
And focus
Or find ways to dissipate the tension caused by stress
Then this emotional exhaustion can lead to adrenal fatigue and burnout
We’re forced to constantly put more and more caffeine in our system
Just to stay awake
Thinking it’s making us alert
The solution?
For the highest performing guys
The type that everyone knows of
Wants to be a bit like
They have the best habits
What’s a habit you ask?
It’s a predefined automatic response to a given situation
“?? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???? ????????”
“???????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ????????”
“???? ?????? ???? ???????????? ???????? ???????? ??????.”
By the time we’re 30, 90% of our personality is predefined
By the way our brain is connected
There’s a saying in neuro science
“???????? ?????????? ?????????????? ???????? ???????? ????????????????, ???????? ????????????????.”
And what that means
Is that as you repeatedly do something
Again and again
We create what I like to call
?????????????????? ???? ?????? ????????
Efficient signalling paths for messages to travel
And if you were a message would you take a country road to get from A to B?
A pathway that hasn’t been used that much?
That takes a lot of energy to use?
It’s why without first creating a habit
Change is MUCH MUCH harder
Trying to lose weight for example
Without breaking it down into manageable chunks and automating the desired actions
So that they become consistent
And automatic
Things we do repeatedly
We tend to push from higher brain function (needed to learn new things)
To lower brain function (which saves on mental energy) and allows us to become more efficient
So the highest performers?
They have more bottom up circuitry in their brains
Allowing them more “disposable” energy to focus on their REAL challenges
AND solve bigger problems
Achieve greater things
They’re identified the traits
That they want to automate
And they’ve repeatedly done them
So that they’re automatic and require less energy
Ultimately your mental state
How well you handle and deal with emotions
Determines how well you can focus
And how well you do in life
If you really, truly want to be a high performer
And not just average Joe
Average Dad
Average husband
And get their faster than the rest
Achieving success that others can only dream of
You have to recognise that willpower is of singular importance in determining the course of your life
Willpower is an exhaustible resource
And to maintain it
You have to balance your emotional mind (what you want)
With you rational mind (with what you know you should)
Or in other words balance your focus between
Instant gratification
And Self restraint
Here’s 3 ways that you can do this:
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Emotions guide our attention
Attention guides away from the unpleasant
And we long to ease the distress
The more well rested we are the easier it is to disengage focus
When you sleep to your circadian rhythm
And get 7-8 hours sleep per night
You’ll find it a lot easier than if you only grab 5-6.
2. ?????????????????? ??????????????????????
If you’re trying to lose weight for example
Then make sure those beers are in the garage or better yet the shop, not the fridge
If you really want one
You’ll make the trip through the rain
But it’s a lot harder
You’re conditioning your environment so that your desired behaviour becomes more automatic
3. ?????????????? ???? ???????? ?????????? ???? ?? ???????? ???? ?????? ????????????
When we’re motivated by positive emotions
The motivation lasts longer
Is what we are doing feels more meaningful and the urge to act lasts longer
When we’re motivated by fear
We want to avoid any future state that could generate emotions that we don’t want
And so we display inertia or avoidance
If you’re able to go back to your WHY
The reason you’re looking to make a change
And draw out all the positive emotions
How you’d feel if you achieved your weight loss goal for example
Walking down the beach
With your head held high
Or waking up
Full of beans
Because you’re eating well and exercising
Having the kids look up at you as their leader
Holding onto emotional states like this is powerful
So if you want to be in the 1%
Have a think this week
How and where might you apply these in your life?
On your side