ALE Vilnius 2023 - Give and Take

ALE Vilnius 2023 - Give and Take

During this year edition of my beloved Agile Lean Europe (ALE) unconference, one of the sessions I offered was a little Story Telling about how I started as a newbie Scrum Master attending the 1st ALE at Berlin in 2011 and how I grew and became the Agile Coach leading an Agile Competence Centre of a non it big corp and, since one year and a half, became a Mentor.

Bottom line, ALE Berlin 2011 changed my life: engaged me to the Scrum Master role, showing me that there are better ways to collaborate among people with different levels of experience and knowledge, just by treating people equally important and as adults. It also made me feel European. For the 1st time in my life, I, as a Portuguese, felt empathy and a common ground, beliefs and values among so many other Europeans.

Here goes my take aways from the 2023 Agile Lean Europe Vilnius edition.

From what I could offer, I feel I done my job. I offered 4 sessions and got great feedback and apraisal. I feel proud of myself. I hope my knowledge and will to help can suport all those who were seeking it. I participated at several debates, open discussions, workshops and many many conversations.

Regarding what I took, well... Where to start?

And now I realize this is the reason why I feel in debt with ALE!!! At the end of every edition, I always feel that I took more than I gave!!!

My learnings

Amazing work at the workshops facilitated by Markus Wissekal , the "Decision making methods in action" and the "Change by design" by Jakub Perlak , inspired by the book "Change by design" from Tim Brown. It was the 1st time I attended the pre-ALE workshops and it totally worth it! Thank you both of you, facilitators, and all the participants.

I learned a bit more about "Dynamic Reteaming" where Heidi Helfand presented simple and short patterns of reteaming. Amazing how simple it can be explained, but until we see it, it was not so clear, right?? For sure, another book to put on the "To Read" shelf.

From the awesome Nancy Beers ? Serious Game Expert keynote, "Timing in diverse teams", for me the highest moment of ALE, I learned, in addition of each people cycle day, we also need to remember and take into consideration the women monthly cycle, huge affected by the hormones. And because Nancy is an amazing speaker, enterteuner, presenter, we learned, in practice and live demo, how our brain "feels" when gets overloaded by multitasking.

Following the theme of the ALE 2023, I learned with Ornela Vasiliauskaite and someone that I still don't know who is, Charles-Louis de Maere , about "Clean-ish Language dojo". Great session! Also very nice insights from Maja R. , adding own thoughts and knowledge about the book "From Contempt to Curiosity - Creating the conditions for groups to collaborate", from Caitlin Walker.

I take a lot more to learn still: with so many irresistible sessions but overlapping, I will just digg in at Slack shared files... I hope I survive, though... :-)

Personal development

Oana Juncu ??? brings always this magic topics and witchcraft (ahahah) questions that just mess with our mind. Thank you for pushing us all to find ourselves in this mad world, my dear. From the "What is your personal desire to build a better world?", I found it!!!! I want a more gentle, a kinder world. And now I know how to contribute to that: be kind every single day, and closing the cycle that began with one of the most inspiring moments at ALE 2011, from Jurgen Appelo session, at that time. At the second day, in a group session, we could share our stories about depression and the positive side of COVID-19 that brought to the surface the mental health and it's no longer a taboo (at least, is less taboo subject).

Finally I decided to prioritize attending the "Oracle and Seeker(s)" session from Sylvia Taylor ! I learned one more technique of communication and sharing knowledge in an intentional mindfullness way!


As an emotinal person I am (who would guess, right??), I (re)connected and my heart was fullfill of joy with... (not only these but to mention some; please forgive me if I am not referring someone, I absolutely appreciated every single moment I spent with each and everyone), here it goes:

Zoltán Dósa , thank you for sharing with me your will to host ALE and for letting me support and motivate you. Congrats! Glad you were the first person I reconnected with at Vilnius and also one of the last to say goodbye, closing the cycle perfectly.

Silvana Wasitova , you are just Silvana. Nothing to add. You being you is a fundamental part of ALE. Thank you. I love your aura.

Markus Wissekal , dear friend, ALE is not the same without Powerpoint Karaoke!!! I ran in tears... Unforgetable moment of the "chicken" presentation, flawless, without even showing the slightest smile, in deep on his role of expert. Clap and laughs, big applause for the hilarious performance of... I don't remember the name (really, not a joke)... :-/

Ruth Imwinkelried , Antti Kirjavainen , Mirette Kangas , what a lovely sharing moments you gave me!

Charles-Louis de Maere , the one that I never knew who he was and keep meeting for the 1st time through the ALE 4 days (ahahah), what I lovely and intense presence! I am so glad you joined ALE. And now, you are part of it!

Andrea H. and Marco Heimeshoff , what a lovely moment with your outstanding salsa lesson! Thank you Viktoria S. for pairing with me! Definitely to repeat next year.

?? Dov Zavadskis , your support to the ALE logistic was impeccable, and cherry on the top: what a great DJ! I would love to keep in touch and continue our endless show off of our own playlists! And speaking of it: amazing roof top party!!! It was super, Remigijus Pielikis , Aline Rodrigues , Marco Heimeshoff , Doaa Adel ElEraqy , Kurt J?ger , Daniel Frey , Violetta Barmeyer ... many more.

The list is endless: Zbigniew Czerwonka , Timo Bouerdick , so nice to meet you; also Daniel Akokodaripon : thank you for the joy you brought to the Dinner with Strangers! Susanne Taylor , how is it possible I just figured out we have much more in common that I ever imagine? Sylvia Taylor , your speech touched me (and I bet so many more), about our own grow with and at ALE... Inge Gorgon , you were the lighthouse that guided us all through the days...! Ivo Peksens and Manuel Küblb?ck , always impressive presentations and good company to talk with at ALE dinners and drinks! Thank you so much Aurimas Jaskonis for our nice lunch date and your amazing professional photos!!!

Again, still many more to refer...!

Can't wait to continue our journey together, growing in this beautiful community.

See you next year, at Agile Lean Europe Budapest 2024!


If someone that I tagged here feels uncomfortable and want me to opt out the LinkedIn tag, please let me know! I would not be offended at all.

Kisses and hugs to all ALEsome people! :-)

Sylvia Taylor

Change Transformation Leader | Learning & Leadership Development: Building Adaptive & Inclusive Organizations to thrive in constant change | Adaptive Intelligence (AQ) | Liberating Structures | ICF ACC Coach

1 年

Thank you Sonia for always bringing yourself 100%, sharing who you are, and your curiosity, and also always learning. You are the Oracle of your passion. Thank you for being that - always!

Sónia C. your post is a perfect example of our "sharing is caring" community culture! You shared not only appreciation, but credit. We all struggle with our egos, we want to be seen and recognized for our contributions. And this is a key aspect of building trust. And another example of what makes a great leader! You reflect back to us our greatness, so I hope you see it in yourself too! Thank you! ????

Karolis Noreika

Agile Consultant and Coach | Lecturer | PhD

1 年

Thank you for sharing your experience in such structured and also emotional way, Sónia! And "carrying" me through the unconference through your own eyes. It was wonderful meeting you and I am looking forward for new editions of ALE!

Aurimas Jaskonis

Agility / Change management / Transformation / Innovation / Mentor

1 年

It was pleasure to meet u Sónia C. and to talk, see u next time

Andrea H.

ScrumMaster at heart & organizational coaching

1 年

It was wonderful and I am in awe. I am looking forward to meet you next year <3 and to connect more!


