“If alcohol is a problem, then you just have to cut it out completely.”

“If alcohol is a problem, then you just have to cut it out completely.”

That’s the commonly held belief, right?

Well, as you’ve probably guessed…

… I disagree.


Abstinence is NOT the only option when it comes to getting alcohol under control. In fact, it’s not even the best option.

Think about it.

If the idea is to avoid alcohol forever, that’s not taking control of it. That’s essentially living in fear of it. You haven’t dealt with any of the reasons behind why it’s a problem in the first place, so you’ll always be on edge waiting for the day you fall off the wagon and wind up back at square one.?

What’s more, you have to white-knuckle it all the way. That’s a slog. Willpower is limited, and using it all the time is exhausting. It only takes one tired day for those old habits to sneak back in.

So no, abstinence is not the best choice, because it means that alcohol is actually controlling YOU.

Instead, the goal should be to completely redefine your relationship with alcohol so that YOU are in control.

That’s what my entire business is built on.

When I realised my drinking was getting out of control, I found a way to reframe my relationship with alcohol so I could take it or leave it. And using the exact same methods I honed on myself over 8 years of in-depth research, coaching and trial and error, we’ve now helped over a hundred business owners and high achievers do exactly the same.

People like Ben…

He knew deep down that his relationship with alcohol wasn’t doing him any favours. It wasn’t that he was completely out of control; he just knew he wasn’t living up to his full potential and that booze was holding him back.

Every day he was fighting a battle against a foggy head, and never feeling he was achieving everything he could.

At first, he tried to cut it out altogether. And he succeeded, for a little while at least. But without addressing the underlying issues, he soon fell back into his old habits.

Can you really blame the guy though? He's young, single, and working in the heart of Ibiza’s hospitality scene! Temptation is everywhere.

That’s where we came in.?

Through our Complete Control programme, we helped Ben discover that creating a healthy relationship with himself was the key to creating a healthy relationship with alcohol.?

By focusing on his well-being and health, and dealing with his underlying issues, he found that alcohol no longer had the same appeal.

Ben’s confidence and self-esteem are now sky-high, and he never has to deal with the negative aftermath of a wild night out. He doesn’t even crave a drink anymore—he’s pretty apathetic towards it.

And this from a man who still lives in the party capital of Europe… Ibiza! Despite thinking that living there would make this process tougher, he now realises that when you fix what’s on the inside, what’s on the outside doesn’t really matter.

And he’s achieving more than he thought possible in his work and personal lives.

All because he discovered the secret to creating a healthy relationship with alcohol.?

But Ben is no isolated case…

… We see this time and time again.

A high-performer, often an entrepreneur, business owner or someone in a senior corporate role, realises they’re not in control of their drinking and haven’t been for a while. They decide they MUST do something to get a handle on it.

But they don’t know what.

They join Complete Control.

They get on board with our philosophy and immediately understand the key to having a healthy relationship with alcohol.?

Pretty soon they see from the data that their health is trending upwards, and they begin to feel better.

As they continue to put their newfound knowledge into practice, they watch in amazement as their desire for alcohol effortlessly slips away, and they begin to thrive in every area of their life.

They share their success with the group, bringing encouragement to everyone around them.


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