Alcohol and mental health
Strategies for challenging times
July 31st, 1pm (UK time)
Reshaping our relationship with alcohol can help us manage better in difficult circumstances, like the ones we face.
This international, expert-led discussion will help understand and promote change recognising this fact.
Alcohol drinking is a significant factor in stress-sensitive conditions like anxiety and depression, while undermining our judgement.
Heavy drinking is also responsible for a large share of mental disorders like dementia and brain damage, though often missed.
Older people are most at risk all these conditions, while being a heavy-drinking group most isolated during the covid-19 crisis.
All participants will be able to pose questions to a panel of expert speakers and contribute their insights. Places are limited.
The full programme for this third event of a series will be announced in the coming weeks. ■
Praise for previous events
“I learned a lot and it gave me food for thought as well as making me feel more motivated than I’ve been all week.”—senior lecturer
“What I heard was really interesting and important.”—research associate
“I really enjoyed it.”—non-professional