The Alchemist
There is only One
The Inscrutable Power
The One Able to change all things
Yet He remains through all ages.
To some imagination is
To others study is
To others, that which transforms
Seeming to lay it all
At the feet of change yet;
All in the change domain
Revolving in circles
For He is the Wheel in Wheel
The Alchemist
…no other!
Is not the creature only a minute part of the Creator?
Is the creature greater than its engenderer?
Isn’t the Maker fair to make the creature
Partake of its very nature?
Merely covering the unseen with the seen?
Does that then equate both in equality?
Is it not certain that One is greater than all?
For which reason the unseen hand is seen in all?
The invisible becoming visible in all things?
Manifesting in…
Natured in…
Working in…
Possessing all
Though hardly acknowledged?
Yet, to these, there is no denial
For any attempt at this
Is tantamount to “fleeing from its own very shadow”
Should that be considered in the realm of possibilities?
Though “all things are possible” quote The Alchemist
Failure to exhibit belief
Lends credence to confusion;
The clay is left option less
But to accept first
And then seek to know;
For not to accept is less life
Not to believe is subhuman
‘Tis even less than bestial
To live in denial
For even the beast acknowledges its Maker
Wonder why Tsunami claimed no beast?
Yet every beast partakes of the Fall.
To the Alchemist
Bows all things
Even the very chief that accuses
And contends against its Maker
Seeking worship…though he is only a creature.
Yet, was he made to so exhibit
For were it not so
How could he seek worship?
Though he made nothing
Perverting only that which was made
For the pleasure and purpose
Of He who subjected
The creature to vanity
That He may be all in all.
As He redeems
As He transforms
As He repossess
All things which in Him
Before the advent of time He made;
For were it not so
They would not yield to change
They would resist alchemy.
But only He who worked in the ancients
Is the Ancient of all days
Though He ages not
Only He who changes all remains unchanged
Merely manifesting as and when He pleases
For in Him resides all potency.
To take
To give
To lay down
To raise
And to do all things
He it is
… The Alchemist
For there can only One be
And there need be no comparison, adjectives, and expletives
There only One is
The Alchemist.
Think on these things…
July 8, 2016