ALC Light Weight Concrete Products : Steam Curing by Autoclaving vs Steam Curing at Atmospheric Pressure and Low Temperature

ALC Light Weight Concrete Products : Steam Curing by Autoclaving vs Steam Curing at Atmospheric Pressure and Low Temperature

Steam curing at autoclaving method :

It is generally believed autoclaving is a superior curing method but it cannot match the water immersion or pond curing naturally for 28 days to attain 80% of designed strength and is the best method universally accepted. Autoclaving is done to get accelerated curing strength within 14 hours the above strength so that the manufacturers can dispose to marketing without accumulating inventory. Normally it consists of 60-80% gas pores and 20-40% of cement materials depends upon density. The steam used 10-12 bar and temperature about 180-200 degree celsius for 14 hours duration. Autoclaved materials are suspectable to water damage and are to be perfectly sealed with silicon sealers or thick plastering necessitating additional cost.

Steam curing at atmospheric pressure and 50-70 degree celsius temperature method :

This method enables with simple apparatus such as steam generator, heat chamber, chimney and steam distribution pipes. The temperature is ideally set at 60 degree celsius. The stages incorporated are

  1. Precuring about 3 Hours
  2. Incremental temperature at 17 degree celsius/hour for 2 hours
  3. Maintaining constant temperature at 60 degree celsius for about 10 hours with relative humidity 100%
  4. Cooling down at 17 degree celsius/hour for 1-2 hours and sent for mist curing for 7 days

This method follows as per ACI 517-2R-80 and this method attain 50% of final strength in 3 days and 80% in 7-10 days. This method is hybrid system combining accelerated and natural curing and give better results and durability.

ALC Panels with steel reinforcement can be made by the above two methods. BBMPH adopts the second method and gives their products an added advantage for strength and quality as well as reducing the curing time drastically from 28 days to 10 days but transportable strength in 5 days to reduce the inventory.

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