Albert’s Acumen: Embracing Darkness to Befriend Illumination by Adnan Qaiser – Ep-5 (Literature Series)
A Master’s imaginary, inspirational, and intellectual conversation with his Butler
It’s twilight, Master. A time for illumination.
No, Albert. I wish to linger in the dark for a moment longer.
A noble and necessary desire, Master.
But you were always a great admirer of light and open air, weren’t you, Albert?
Indeed, Sir. Yet, at times, it is vital to seek refuge in the dark.
And how, Albert, would a sanctuary of shadows soothe my restless mind?
Firstly, Master, darkness itself can be a weapon against darkness. Secondly, remember—light is often hidden within the void, for “darkness is nothing but the absence of light.”
You mean I must battle my inner demons in the dark while awaiting the dawn that follows the dead of night?
Precisely, Sir. What you seek is always found in the hush of the night—answers to your questions, solace for your turbulent heart.
Then, Albert, is darkness not the true illumination of the soul?
Yes, Master. Until you embrace the night, you can never truly befriend the brilliance of the day.
Then switch off the lights, Albert. Let us surrender to the night.
As you wish, Master. May the pitch-black grant you its deepest revelations.
~ Adnan Qaiser ~
February 19, 2025