Alberta Grant Gazette│January 2 Of 2
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Have a great week.
David Kincade, MA
1. Agriculture
Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) challenge is seeking labour-saving automation and robotic technologies to reduce time spent on labour intensive tasks and reduce costs for CEA facilities. Deadline: January 19, 2021.
Alberta Beekeeper Stock Replacement is extended until January 29, 2021.
The AgriDiversity Program addresses the key issues and barriers the under-presented groups in the sector often face for their participation. Deadline: September 30, 2022.
The Local Food Infrastructure Fund (LFIF) supports community-based, not-for-profit organizations to improve their food systems through investments in infrastructure. Deadline: December 31, 2023.
Irrigation Efficiency aims to increase water savings and reduce energy use in irrigated agriculture by assisting producers with the purchase of more efficient irrigation equipment and systems. Deadline: Ongoing.
2. Arts and Culture
Know more about the support for heritage in Alberta through various programs and funding. Deadlines: First working day of February.
Arts Grants for Individuals and Collectives supports a wide range of art forms and practices to foster experimentation, creative collaborations with community and public presentations. Deadline: February 16, 2021.
The Artist Development Microgrant is intended to invest in professional or business development opportunities for artists impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Deadline: February 16, 2021.
Alberta Project Script Development Grant. Deadline: March 1, 2021.
Community Support Organizations Operating Funding supports not-for-profit community organizations that provide arts programs and services to communities. Deadline: March 1, 2021.
3. Employment | Varies
Canada Summer Jobs. Deadline: Jan 29, 2021:
Update: Small and Medium Enterprise Relaunch Grant is now open until March 31, 2021.
Your organization can achieve with up to $7,500 in wage subsidies through BioTalent’s Student Work Placement Program – Healthcare and Student Work Placement Program – Biosciences. Winter applications are still open.
Canada- Alberta Job Grant deadlines for current approved grants are extended by 3 months. Apply now. Deadline: Ongoing.
The Youth Employment Program offers financial assistance to offset the cost of hiring young talents. Deadline: Ongoing.
Commercialization Associates program made adjustments to improve outcomes and simplify the applicant experience. Learn more:
4. Environment/CleanTech
Project teams will have until January 20, 2021 to submit applications for projects that demonstrate an innovative way to reduce the operational energy use and GHG emissions of buildings.
Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta (FRIAA) is pleased to announce a new Request for Proposals (RFP) under the Caribou Habitat Recovery Program (CHRP). Deadline: January 21, 2021.
Apply for interest-free repayable funding to reduce GHG emissions and contribute to Canada’s clean energy future through the Offshore Deployment Program. Deadline: January 31, 2021.
NRCan will fund 50%, up to a maximum of $100,000 for projects with companies who have completed a fleet energy assessment and are looking to implement some of the recommendations from their report through the Green Freight Assessment Program. Deadline: March 31, 2021.
Edmonton’s Home Energy Retrofit Accelerator is a program that helps you understand your home’s energy efficiency and provides rebates for upgrades. Deadline: First come, first-serve basis.
The Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT) program is now accepting applications for funding to conduct studies linked to the advancement of innovation in the forest sector. Deadline: Ongoing.
Stay tuned for intake period two of Onshore Program which will open in the first quarter of 2021.
5. Export
Canada – Israel 2020-21 collaborative industrial research and development call for proposals. Deadline: January 21, 2021.
Eurostars – Call for innovative R&D-performing SMEs projects. Deadline: February 4, 2021.
Apply online for up to $75,000 in CanExport SMEs funding to cover up to 75% of your international market development activities. Deadline: Ongoing.
6. Indigenous
The new Civil Society Fund (CSF) provides $20 million to expand civil society’s capacity to address social problems for Albertans. Deadline: January 20, 2021.
Indigenous Agriculture and Food Systems Initiative support Indigenous communities and entrepreneurs who are ready to launch agriculture and food systems projects. Deadline: September 30, 2022.
The First Nation Infrastructure Fund (FNIF) helps First Nation communities improve and increase public infrastructure to improve the quality of life and the environment for First Nation communities. Deadline: Fall of each year.
Enhanced Education Infrastructure Fund helps First Nations to build new schools, renovate and expand existing facilities, and operate and maintain existing education infrastructure. Deadline: September 30 annually.
Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC)’s Innovation Fund provides funding to build school facilities that are innovative, promote education reform or achieve cost savings. Deadline: October 15 annually for Alberta.
Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program: Access to Business Opportunities provides access to capital and access to business opportunities to Indigenous entrepreneurs and business owners in Canada. Deadline: No deadline.
7. Municipalities
Clean Energy Improvement Program provides residential and commercial property owners with access to competitive, long-term financing to cover up to 100% of their project costs. Expected launch: Spring 2021.
Pilot project: Energy recovery or district energy helps Canadian cities and communities of all sizes use less energy, which reduces their greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and improves their air quality. Deadline: Year-round.
Study: Waste diversion feasibility studies for initiatives that have the potential to help you divert at least 60% of municipal solid waste. Deadline: Year-round.
Minor changes to the Municipal Sustainability Initiative have occurred due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Learn more. Deadline: Ongoing.
8. Non-Profit
The new Civil Society Fund (CSF) provides $20 million to expand civil society’s capacity to address social problems for Albertans. Deadline: January 20, 2021.
The Multiculturalism, Indigenous and Inclusion Grant (MIIG) Program supports initiatives and projects that builds intercultural awareness, and understanding. Deadline: March 1, 2021.
The Faith-based and Cultural Facility Relaunch Grant support faith-based and cultural organizations with the relaunch of facilities used for cultural, religious, spiritual and ceremonial gatherings. Deadline: March 1, 2021.
Learn about the Community Foundation and apply for a grant. The application period is open from March to April.
Application for Suncor’s “Driving Innovation and Reducing Barriers” is now open until May 7, 2021.
9. Post Secondary | Varies
Connection Grants support events and outreach activities that present opportunities to exchange knowledge and to engage with participants on research issues of value to them. Deadline: February 1, 2021.
Insight Development Grants enable the development of new research questions, as well as experimentation with new methods, theoretical approaches and/or ideas. Deadline: February 2, 2021.
Alberta Innovates Summer Studentship provides funding to support students engaging in medical and health sciences research and innovation. Deadline: February 3, 2021.
The John R. Evans Leaders Fund provides support to excellent researchers to undertake foundational research infrastructure required to be or become leaders in their field. Deadline: JELF – SSHRC, Partnership Grants—Stage 1: February 10, 2021.
Partnership Grants provide support for new and existing formal partnerships over four to seven years to advance research, research training and/or knowledge mobilization in the social sciences and humanities. Deadline: February 10, 2021.
10. Technology | Varies
NRC is seeking a solution to detect and distinguish photon number states through the Photonic detection beyond single photons challenge. Deadline: January 19, 2021.
Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge 2021. Calling all TechForGood Startups for a $1 Million USD in Prizes. Deadline: January 29, 2021.
Tecterra’s funding programs have reopened. Learn more to apply for funding support today to grow your geospatial technology business. Deadline: February 2, 2021.
The Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIE) program stream aims to create, grow and nurture inclusive regional ecosystems that support business needs throughout the innovation continuum. Deadline: Ongoing.
The Opportunity Calgary Investment Fund is a $100-million program established by The City of Calgary to support innovative and catalytic opportunities that will spur growth and employment in key economic sectors strategic to the city. Deadline: Ongoing.
The new Testing Stream (formerly Build in Canada Innovation Program) allows Innovative Solutions Canada to buy and test your pre-commercial goods and services in a real-life setting. The next call for proposals under this stream is coming soon.
11. Grant Events
Join BDC’s experts webinar where they will offer practical advice on optimizing cash flow, effectively controlling costs and positioning your business for the post-pandemic recovery. Date: January 18, 2021.
Farm Management Canada invites advisors and farmers to attend the Roots to Success Risk Management virtual training session. Date: Jan. 19, 26 and Feb. 8, 2021. (Farmers). February 2, 2021 (Advisors).
Connect to the people and ideas with the power to take us from chaos to transformation at Cleantech Forum San Francisco. Date: January 19-21, 2021.
The Abu Dhabi Sustainable Week (ADSW) Summit will bring together leaders from policy, business and technology to define new pathways for delivering a green recovery in a post COVID-19 world. Date: January 19, 2021.
Multiculturalism, Indigenous and Inclusion Grant – Information Sessions. Dates: January 26 and 28, 2021.
2021 Asia Virtual Plant Protein Mission. Date: January 26, 2021.
Join us on bringing digital health to centre stage with Alberta Innovates’ Digital Health Summit. Date: Jan 26, 2021.
The Canada Council for the Arts’ 2021 Annual Public Meeting is scheduled on January 26, 2021.
Immigrant Entrepreneur Program Legal Q & A. Date: January 26, 2021.
Career Exploration Forum: The Future of Working in Energy. Date: January 26-27, 2021.
Broaden your knowledge of international trade and ask our guest experts your questions at the International Financial Institutions (IFIs) – Spotlight on the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) webinar. Date: February 10, 2021.
Compete with international talent at the ASEC Energy Bowl Business Case Competition. Date: January 22-25, 2021 (Prelimenary Round); February 17-18, 2021 (Final Round).
Canada’s Agriculture Day Virtual Fireside Chat, hosted by Agriculture More Than Ever, brings together people involved in Canadian agriculture, food and agribusiness. Date: February 23, 2021.
Register now and receive a free pass to all Inventures Unbound virtual programming.
AgExtras in-depth Learning sessions. Learn more:
Get the tools, connections and knowledge you need to take your business into new markets through the Trade Accelerator Program. Sign up here:
12. Business Award Deadlines
The World Food Innovation Awards, in association with IFE, are a celebration of innovation and excellence across every category of the global food industry. Deadline: January 29, 2021.
The Calgary Awards recognize individuals, corporations, community groups, and organizations Through their exceptional achievements and contributions. Deadline: February 10, 2021.
30th Annual Emerald Awards. Deadline: February 12, 2021.
Nominate a remarkable Albertan from your community for consideration to receive the Alberta Order of Excellence. Deadline: February 15, 2021.
The Canada Memory of the World Register Call for Nominations. Declaration of Interest deadline: March 1, 2021.
John Hobday Awards in Arts Management are granted to talented arts managers in Canadian professional arts organizations for professional development or mentoring purposes. Deadline: March 1, 2021.
EY Canada Entrepreneur Of The Year 2021 Nominations is now open. Deadline: April 16, 2021.
St Andrews Prize for the Environment gives you the opportunity to win $100,000. Deadline: February 26, 2021.
Check the key dates of spring evaluation for Superior Taste Award 2021.
13. Government Update
Alberta Innovates extended its Innovation Relief and Recovery Program with $350,000, in an effort to help more small-to-medium-sized businesses (SMBs) affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
City of Edmonton offering rebates for green home improvements.
Calgary Arts Development announced its 2021 grant investment programs for arts, organizations, individual artists, and its collectives.
Alberta’s government is expanding its relaunch grant to ensure new businesses have access to the supports they need.
Alberta Innovates Extends $350,000 to Benefit Alberta-based Businesses.
Government of Canada rolling out $100M in added support to food security organizations during COVID-19 pandemic.
BioTalent Canada announced today the release of its sixth annual National Compensation Guide for the Canadian bio-economy.
Consulting Canadians on a possible comprehensive economic partnership agreement with Indonesia.
Statement of Minister of Energy Sonya Savage on the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers’ (CAPP) projected 2021 energy sector capital investment increase of almost $3.4 billion.
You can search over 1,000 grants for free in the grant database.
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Grant Writing Tip
Get your 12 month calendar in place, so you can manage your resources wisely. If you need help, you can reach out to me here:
Get a PDF downloadable copy of my book on my website. It could save or make you a fortune. You can read it easily on your phone or computer.
Some of you want to work with me to clarify your grant strategy. Here is my online calendar.
For More Information Contact
David Kincade, MA
Grant Writer
Meeting Request Form:
David has delivered for Radice 3 years in a row. Soild honest and knows his stuff to get it done