Michael Crandal, CNG
AUTHOR: The ABC’s of Plutonium Private Club Leadership. FOUNDER: Christian Club Managers.
INTRODUCTION:? (Michael Crnadal, CNG) An undeniable trait of a Plutonium Private Club Leader is the ability to build and maintain great teams.? And none do it any better than ALAN JACOBS.? His “business” side of things is spot-on.? Balanced with incredible creativity that simply makes being on his team – well, FUN!? Here to prove it — Alan tells us all below what time it is.? “It’s SHOWTIME, baby!”???
“It’s Showtime!”
This age-old entertainment adage and analogical approach to team building begins with the establishment of building an organization similar to that of making a major blockbuster movie. Understanding that we all want this “movie” to be highly profitable, Oscar-worthy and award-winning.
Of course, our film is shot every day —on location — right at your club!
In preparing for the live shoot —there are many people involved and everyone must know their roles.? Let’s take a look at the credits as they would roll up the screen.?
THE MEMBERS — are The Producers of the “movie” in providing the vision, funding and budget.
THE GM/COO — is The Director who “makes it all happen”.
THE STRATEGIC PLAN — provides the background for The Plot as it unfolds.
CASTING — is coordinated by the HR Director.
THE PRINCIPAL ACTORS —are The Department Heads.
THE SUPPORTING CAST — is comprised of All Employees of the club.
ON LOCATION SUPPORT — is an ensemble of coordinated efforts who all do their part enabling those in any scene to perform flawlessly. The Designers, Technical Staff, Administration/Finance, Editors, PR/Marketing, Support/Logistics, Extras and Vendors all play vital roles in the overall success of making the “movie”.
AUDIENCE / CRITICS —are, of course, the Members & Guests who buy the “tickets” to the show.
Everyone has important roles and specific responsibilities to work together as a Team to make the best movie possible. This entails a highly communicative, strategic, and collaborative effort to create a successful “movie”.
“IT’S SHOWTIME!” requires passion, a culture of both excellence and fun, along with the understanding that the show must go on!
The Director has the responsibility of:
Identifying the best possible Oscar-winning talent. Motivating them to play their specific roles to perfection. Creating synergy to effectuate the “script” and vision. Delivering the movie within budget. Achieving the “business” aspect of Show Business.
It is extremely important to create a culture of “same-page” understanding; where everyone respects and appreciates not only their parts, but those of all others.
A Plutonium Director shares the “whole picture” with everyone involved rather than simply doling out just a “limited scene” morsel of what it is all about. Plutonium Directors fosters a participative and collaborative Team effort and a culture where people can “improvise”, contribute their expertise, share suggestions and creative ideas in a constructive way to help produce the best possible product.
An environment prevails where every member of the cast, crew and support team knows that they are part of something special.? Greater and expanded role opportunities based on initiative, drive, gained experience and proven performance is known to all.
Since so many players are involved, and pivotal to the success of the movie — it is essential to hire properly, provide clear expectations, tools, resources and the necessary orientation and training to then hold people accountable
“It’s Showtime!” requires everyone to remember that they are always “on camera!”
Thank you, Alan! Your PLUTONIUM LEADERSHIP insights are respected and you are high esteemed by all your peers!