Alan Dershowitz Sends Chilling Warning To The Jewish Nation
I really loved this commentary by Hebron spokesperson Yishai Fleisher (who has 230K subscribers on YouTube by the way.)
The clip features Alan Dershowitz going on and on about what Jews have to do to "survive" - by strengthening Jewish communities any way we can. Because "when we're weak, our survival isn't a given." The best part was quoting his Mom when returning from a ball game when he was little and telling her the score - she said, "but was it good for the Jews or bad for the Jews?" A very wise way to look at things.
Alan Dershowitz is a very eloquent and charismatic speaker, and had the whole room captivated. But I can't get over the fact that in 2025, people get all dressed up to go to an event, to just sit in chairs listening to someone rambling on. It's great that they come together to listen to perspectives on these important issues. But if the audience is not genuinely engaged through discussion circles, or some other meaningful activity where they can connect as humans, and express their thoughts out loud to other humans - as far as I'm concerned the event was a waste of time and energy.
But here comes Yishai Fleisher 's great commentary - "Mr. Dershowitz you're saying our weakness causes antisemitism, but what was missing in his speech was the culpability of people like Alan Dershowitz himself (min. 18:55) in the state of antisemitism in the United States. Because antisemitism emanates from Jewish weakness. That antisemitism grew when there were people talking about giving away the land of Israel, creating a two-state solution, creating a Palestinian authority to govern our land. It's a weakness that was preached. And Alan Dershowitz was one of the preachers of that weakness. He talked about Jews not supposed to be living in their ancestral homeland, therefore the narrative of occupation, the narrative of apartheid, therefore more Israel hate."
I love how he's calling out Mr. Dershowitz as being the problem rather than the solution. But look how everyone is hanging onto his every word - as if he has a solution that will actually work. He really doesn't. Because even though he said some nice things that make sense logically - he never asked, "Why do you think they hate us?
So as I've said over and over again here, without understanding the root of the hate toward the Jews, how can you apply a suitable solution to this growing problem?
I've talked about the source of the hate and the solution many times in this newsletter, so today I want to say something else.
If you were there pushing for a two-state solution, and involved in all kinds of other initiatives to get more dollars in your bank account ... and you're Jewish (!!) Then you are the problem. Even more than any of our enemies in a way. You're one of us and you've done many things to weaken Israel.
So we don't want to hear anything these people have to say, and we definitely don't want them guiding us on the next necessary steps to ensure a better future for the Jews of America.
People like him are the last people we want talking about what we should or shouldn't do, because they are the people that got us into this situation.
People like Dershowitz who represented another self-hating Jew, accused sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein - we'd rather not hear or see you at all.
These are the people that misguided the Jews over the years, and continue to misguide the Jews. But we still look up to people like him and hang on his every word - even though we all know he's not the greatest human on the planet.
Why would people sit and listen to someone like that speak is beyond me. Not only is he not doing anything that's actually good for the Jews, he's contaminated the well so badly - and we still look up to him. Boggles the mind.