Alan Dershowitz, has insulted the Founding Fathers and the American people!
You are the biggest Wonder, (Believe it)
Yesterday on 1/27/2020 I watched on TV Alan Dershowitz's interpretation of the Constitution regarding the possible impeachments of Presidents of the United States.
Here is a synopsis that is part of the Constitution:
Impeachment in the United States is the process by which a legislature (usually in the form of the lower house) brings charges against a civil officer of government for crimes alleged to have been committed, analogous to the bringing of an indictment by a grand jury. Impeachment may occur at the federal level or the state level. The federal House of Representatives can impeach federal officials, including the president, and each state's legislature can impeach state officials, including the governor, in accordance with their respective federal or state constitution.
Most impeachments have concerned alleged crimes committed while in office, though there have been a few cases in which officials have been impeached and subsequently convicted for crimes committed prior to taking office.[1] The impeached official remains in office until a trial is held. That trial, and removal from office if convicted, is separate from the act of impeachment itself.
In impeachment proceedings, the defendant does not risk forfeiture of life, liberty, or property. According to the Constitution, the only penalties allowed to be imposed by the Senate are removal from office and disqualification from holding any federal office in the future.
My justification to the above
I stated that Alan Dershowitz is a liar and has no common sense or both and that he indeed insulted the Founders and all the American people.
Last night I watched TV and listened to Alan Dershowitz’s interpretation of impeachment as written in the Constitution.
With a straight face, Alan Dershowitz stated that he will be truthful and unbiased, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
I listened carefully and when Dershowitz state that even if everything John Bolton stated in his book is true, President Trump would not be impeached! This is when I realized this man (Dershowitz) was lying.
I questioned Dershowitz’s interpretation of the Constitution, however, when he stated that even if everything stated in Bolton’s book were true, such would not be impeachable this is when I became convinced that Dershowitz lied.
Mind you Bolton’s Book is not out yet, however, suppose as an example Bolton stated that President Trump has business with President Putin and such could be proven if President Trump’s Tax Returns were presented to Congress. Would such be a good reason to impeach the President? According to Dershowitz, probably not, because according to him, he made it sound that the President could do anything and not get impeached.
Therefore according to Dershowitz, it is fair to say that he believes that in the future any President of the United States could contact foreign Governments to help him or her with a similar scenario and such would be OK!!! (No problem)
When I heard what Dershowitz stated about Bolton’s book not yet published, I felt he insulted me and insulted all Americans as if we are all stupid!
What if Bolton stated in his book that he has proof that President Trump molested 100 Women while in office? Is that impeachable? Probably not according to Dershowitz; but it was OK to impeach President Clinton because he had consenting sex with one woman. (This is crazy stuff)
How did Alan Dershowitz insult The Founders?
The Constitution includes an impeachment provision; therefore if according to Dershowitz Presidents cannot be impeached for any reason, the Founders must have been stupid for even mentioning the word “Impeachment”?
I do not care if you are a Democrat, Republican or Independent, I wrote this presentation for all Americans to digest.
What in the hell is happening with the US Government?
The above enforces my belief that the three Party System is not working and needs to be replaced with one Party, an “American Party” for the people and by the people.
What I have been seeing and hearing is that Politicians in Government become richer and at the same time bankrupting America with Wars and other stupid things.
If you doubt me regarding the US Government wasting Taxpayers’ money, see:
If you are curious about how I feel about America, see my Web page at
If you take the time to read what I wrote on my Website, you would see that I offer solutions and not nonsense as offered by certain politicians that come across as intellectual dummies!
Many politicians in the Government do not have a clue of what I wrote about preventing certain disasters if they did we would not see the same disasters happening year after year!
Visit my site and you would see what I stated about preventing disasters, including Preventing Floods in the Midwest and Preventing Large Forest Fires in America.
I wish all good people well.
Aloysius Dalli