For this Alabamian, y'all means all!
Barbara Wells
Recovering workaholic attorney, photographer, writer, painter, actress, social media maven, and occasional law professor whose opinions are all her own and not that of any past or current employer.
This is an opinion piece that reflects my feelings (which you will see are both shaken and stirred) and only my feelings and beliefs. No employer or prospective employer should be blamed for this.
Dear World,
The Governor of Alabama demanded the resignation of Barbara Cooper, the head of Alabama's Department of Early Childhood Education. Why is that news? Well, it is news to me because to me it smacks of the ugliest kind of political play enrobed in gross intolerance and denial. The act reveals naked white fragility. It also reflects a kind of intolerance and cruelty toward people who happen do not identify as heterosexual. I won't share all the reasons this enrages me so much, but here are a few. First, it is the disgusting hypocrisy inherent in the words the Governor put in her spokesperson's mouth. Second, my fatigue with Alabama denying basic historical truths about her history and being utterly unwilling to acknowledge that her wealth and privilege were built upon human slavery and on later upon human exploitation. Third, I am also worn out with the utter adherence to the mythology and propaganda the Daughters of the Confederacy passed off as "history" for decades. I wish I could make melanin-deficient people read or think or go to a museum to confront the truth that they work so hard to deny. I cannot, of course. I do not have a magic mind-opener for those with closed minds. Enough about my reaction...let me tell you the story in the spokesperson's words.
Governor Ivey did not ask Barbara Cooper to resign her position because of any problem with the performance of the Department of Early Childhood Education. In fact, it might surprise you to know that Alabama's pre-K program is among the best in the nation. I know! Weird, because the rest of the education system here is less than stellar. Governor Ivey made the demand that Barbara Cooper resign not for any reason relating to poor work performance.
So what was Ms. Cooper's offense in the eyes of Governor Ivey? She allowed the Department of Early Childhood Education to distribute a pre-K educator resource book. This resource book contained content that the Governor believed was not "in line" with what the Ivey Administration or the people of Alabama stand for or believe. And here let me be clear...I am a person of Alabama and the materials to which Governor Ivey objected are utterly in line with my beliefs. In fact, I stand for the ideas in the content that bothered our Governor. So Governor Ivey is not speaking for me. I cannot say whether the press release is accurate in its assertion that the materials are not in line with the Ivey Administration's beliefs. I suppose that the Governor and her spokesperson knows what those beliefs are better than I do.
So what is this controversial teacher training material? It is the fourth edition of the National Association for the Education of Young Children's Developmentally Appropriate Practice Book. So we are not talking about materials used with the children themselves. We are talking about materials intended to train educators regarding how they themselves will act. Moreover, this is not something Barbara Cooper pulled out of her back pocket or cribbed from some ultra-left wing organization. So, now that we are clear on what the material was, let's see what the material said. Here, I will quote the news article I read (hat tip to [email protected] and [email protected]) which in turn quotes the official press release from the Governor's office.
The Governor accuses the materials in question of containing..."woke concepts." In Alabama, it is very nearly a slur to call someone "woke." I add that clarification because I am aware that not everyone in the United States believes being "woke" is a bad thing. What are these "woke concepts"?
"In the news release, Maiola said [Alabama Republican Governor Kay] Ivey was concerned that the book tells teachers there are 'larger systemic forces that perpetuate systems of White privilege' and that 'the United States is built on systemic and structural racism.' She was concerned, too, Maiola said, with the directions that 'LGBTQIA+ need to hear and see messages that promote equality, dignity and worth.'"
As to the first two items about White privilege and systemic and structural racism, I don't even know how a serious person who knows anything about history could choke those statements out with a straight face. It is laughable to suggest that those statements are not factual. Maybe as a trial lawyer I know once told a jury, "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt."
To the extent that Governor Ivey condemns materials that encourage teachers to promote equality, dignity, and worth or people, that really burn my cookies. Every human is due respect, equality, dignity, and worth. I am shocked and appalled that in 2023, it is acceptable to suggest otherwise on any basis.
When will we see the humanity in each other? Man's inhumanity to man repeats ad nauseum when we fail to see the humanity in each other. The South is so proud of its culture of manners and courtly civility, but has it has this enormous blindspot for rudeness and intolerance of "certain" people deemed "other." Of all politicians in Alabama, Governor Kay Ivey should understand that from her lived experience. We, in Alabama, all know exactly what I mean here. We are too polite to spell it out. Maybe you can figure it out without my having to be "ugly."
Maybe these news articles will help....
and from the category of me thinks she protests too much..... and
Dear World,
Not everyone in Alabama is like this.
Exhibit A
Sure there are a significant number of people here who vote and who will eat this talk from Republican Governor Kay Ivey like the red meat she means it to be. And some of you will shrug and have your prior notions about Alabama's backward intolerance confirmed. "How bigoted and ignorant!" you might think. And honestly, I get it. I am not from here, and I spent years trying to separate myself from the stereotypes about Alabama (which have too much truth in them).
So what is my problem? Well, I will tell you. My problem is that I have been here since 1994. Alabama is now home. I never thought that would be a sentence I would type, but it is. Alabama is beautiful. And so many wonderful people live here. Many of those people will be as appalled as I am by the Governor's actions and words (through her spokesperson in an official press release). Others will be appalled what I have written. Some people will be brave enough to "tut tut" about the Governor's latest actions when we gather in small groups. A smaller number of people will write our outraged hearts out (thinking of the brave reporters at who inspire me).
Come on Alabama! Know better. Do better. Be better. Especially you, Madam Governor. You know exactly why.
Below is a link to the article that got me all stirred up.
Freelance Licensed and Certified Stenographic Court Reporter
1 年Sounds to me like the good voters of Alabama need to work harder to organize and VOTE. IGNORANT. IVEY. OUT! She's a fossil anyway and should have been replaced years ago.
Shareholder @ Wickens Herzer Panza | Voice of HR Reason & Harbinger of HR Doom (according to ChatGPT) | Employment/Labor Lawyer | Craft Beer Lawyer | Podcaster
1 年I feel the same way about Ohio.
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