Al-Bader Shipping Sets a Record in Kuwait’s Shipping History

Al-Bader Shipping Sets a Record in Kuwait’s Shipping History

Al-Bader Shipping successfully completed a massive loading in the month of March. This was a shipment of 1,500 vehicles of various models from Kuwait in one lot, which was a record set in Kuwait’s shipping history. After an extensive analysis, we arranged a suitable RoRo Vessel that enabled the delivery of the total cargo weighing 2,684,236.00 kg / 21811.149 CBM as one lot to Iraq.

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Optimal use of time and extensive planning also ensured the loading of all units within two days, post the business confirmation, including the customs clearance.

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Services Manager of the Business and Projects Development Division, Vipin Rajan, expressed that the partial lockdown due to COVID-19 had affected the regular working hours of the authorities. However, networking with trustworthy connections, and their brand reputation, enabled them to acquire the necessary permissions for clearance and the storage of this large quantity of units.

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High delivery quality, effective documentation, and optimum planning ensured once again that Al-Bader Shipping is reliable, regardless of the circumstances.

Contact: Salom Philip Abraham <[email protected]>

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