Aktuálně otev?ené TOP React pozice ???? ????

Aktuálně otev?ené TOP React pozice ???? ????

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Are you an experienced?React?Native Developer??A great opportunity awaits you. I'm looking for somebody to join the team to develop cross-platform mobile applications utilising React Native and adhering to Expo framework. The role involves regular updating and extending existing apps, along with providing basic documentation and reporting. The ideal candidate must have 5+ years of experience in?JavaScript,?React/React?Native. Don't miss this chance?and realize your potential.

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Looking for a dynamic and challenging role? We're on the search for an experienced senior React Developer. Showcase your skills in developing highly responsive user interface components, writing application interface codes, and enhancing front-end performance. Be part of a vibrant team in monitoring application codes, troubleshooting software, and programming microservices in Node.js. Proficiency in React, Typescript, and React Hooks is a must, with a good grasp of English at C1 level. Knowledge in Redux, Bootstrap, Jest, GraphQL would be an added advantage. Join the team, work on a?large distributed application gathering financial data for companies and push the boundaries of your technical prowess.

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Hledám?Lead React Developera?se silnymi dovednostmi v?TypeScript?a?React.?Doká?ete pracovat s mikro frontends,?Monorepo - Lerna, State Management?knihovnami jako?Redux?a?Zustand, OpenAPI - Swagger Client Generation, SCSS?moduly,?Tailwind?a?Bootstrap? Pokud máte zájem o tvorbu vysoce kvalitního kódu a máte zku?enosti s definováním a vyhodnocováním nejlep?ích postup? ve SW vyvoji, tato pozice vás bude bavit. Zapojte se do code reviews a hands-on vyvoje. Je d?le?ité mít dobré znalosti design patterns a IT architektury, d?le?itá je i angli?tina na úrovni min. C1.

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Jste zku?eny?React Native Developer? Chcete pracovat na inovativním projektu, ktery formuje budoucnost dopravy? Máte 3+ roky zku?eností s?React Native,?2+ roky s JavaScript a TypeScript a zvládáte práci i v Node.js a SQL??Pokud umíte i něco navíc (Azure, Redux & Redux Saga?a dal?í), jste ideálním kandidátem. Podílejte se na tvorbě robustních a ?kálovatelnych aplikací, vylep?ujte jejich funkce, pracujte se ?pi?kovymi technologiemi a také vyu?ijte síly tymu a spolupracujte s kolegy, kte?í vám rádi se v?ím pom??ou a také dopomohou k bezproblémovému pr?běhu projektu. Neváhejte ani minutu a dejte své karié?e novy směr.

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I am looking for an experienced?React?Native?Developer?to participate in a project that focuses on creating user interfaces for mobile platforms. Your job will be not only to create these user interfaces, but also to integrate with the platforms using native APIs. Diagnosing and resolving performance errors will be part of your job, as well as maintaining code and writing automated tests. Bachelor's degree in computer science, engineering or related field required. You should have at least 4 years of experience in mobile development using?React?Native?and at least 6 years of experience in front-end development with?JavaScript?or?TypeScript. If you are a passionate and experienced developer who wants to be involved in innovative projects and bring your knowledge and skills to the team, then I look forward to our cooperation.

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