Akt o sistemizaciji delovnih mest
Zakon o delovnih razmerjih (ZDR-1) v 22. ?lenu 2. alineje navaja, da je ?delodajalec dol?an s splo?nim aktom dolo?iti pogoje za opravljanje dela na posameznem delovnem mestu oziroma za vrsto dela.? V kadrovskem ?argonu temu re?emo kar sistemizacija (delovnih mest).?
Kdo jo potrebuje?
Akt o sistemizaciji delovnih mest je obvezen dokument za vse delodajalce, ki zaposlujejo ve? kot 10 zaposlenih. Tako podjetja, ki imajo 10 zaposlenih ali manj, tega dokumenta ne potrebujejo. Kljub temu je priporo?ljiv, ?e posebej v kolikor podjetje na?rtuje ?iritev svojega delovnega procesa.
Z aktom o sistemizaciji dela se dolo?ijo pogoji za opravljanje dela na dolo?enem delovnem mestu oziroma za vrsto dela. Je popis delovnih nalog za vsako delovno mesto znotraj podjetja. To je ?e posebej koristno pri zaposlovanju, saj je to?no znano, kak?en profil delavca podjetje potrebuje, katera znanja in kompetence so klju?na za zaposlitev kandidata. S tem se zagotavlja tudi enaka obravnavna in nediskriminacija kandidatov pri selekcijskem postopku.
Poleg obvezne vsebine akta - naziv delovnega mesta, opis dela, pogoji za opravljanje dela – so priporo?ljive ?e dodatne vsebine, kot so organizacijska struktura dru?be, zahtevana dodatna znanja, obseg delovnih izku?enj in nujne kompetence, ali pa licence, strokovni izpit, dokazila o izpolnjevanju pogojev in podobno.
Akt je prav tako osnova za izdelavo Izjave o varnosti z oceno tveganja.
Kaj, ?e se ukine delovno mesto?
Se naredi izbris delovnega mesta iz akta o sistemizaciji dela.
V kolikor ima podjetje ?e vedno zaposlene na tem delovnem mestu je to podlaga za redno odpoved pogodbe o zaposlitvi iz poslovnega razloga.?
Kaj pa spremembe in dopolnitve?
Delodajalec je dol?an vse spremembe in dopolnitve akta o sistemizaciji predati v pregled svetu delavcev oziroma delavskemu zaupniku. V roku 8 dni mora le ta podati svoje mnenje o predlogu, delodajalec pa mora pred sprejemom akta posredovano mnenje obravnavati in se do njega opredeliti. V kolikor se svet delavcev / delavski zaupnik ne strinja(jo) s spremembami, pa to ne vpliva na samo veljavo akta in novih sprememb / dopolnitev. Pomembno je le, da je akt v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo (ZDR-1, kolektivne pogodbe, ki zavezujejo podjetje).
Potrebno je tudi opozoriti, da mora biti akt dostopen vsem zaposlenim in jim biti vedno na razpolago na mestu, na katerem se zaposleni lahko brez nadzora seznanijo z njihovo vsebino.
Act on the systematisation of jobs
Article 22(2) of the Labour Relations Act (ZDR-1) states that "the employer is obliged to lay down in a general act the conditions for the performance of a particular job or type of work". In HR terminology, this is known as a (job) systematisation.
Who needs it?
A job systematisation act is a compulsory document for all employers with more than 10 employees. Therefore, companies that have 10 or fewer employees do not need this act. However, it is highly recommended, especially if the company is planning to expand its work processes.
A job classification act lays down the conditions for the particular job or type of job. It is an overview of the job tasks for each job within the company. This is particularly useful for recruitment, as it is known exactly what profile of employee the company needs, what skills and competences are essential to find the right candidate for the job. This also ensures equal treatment and non-discrimination of applicants in the selection process.
In addition to the mandatory content of the act - job title, job description, conditions of employment - additional content is recommended, such as the organisational structure of the company, additional skills required, the extent of work experience and essential competences, or licences, professional qualifications, etc.
The Act is also the basis for the formulation of a Safety Statement with Risk Assessment.
What if a job is terminated?
The removal of the job from the job systematisation act is done.
If the company still has employees in that workplace, this is a ground for termination of the contract of employment on a regular basis for a business reason.
What about amendments?
The employer is obliged to submit all amendments and additions to the systematisation act to the works council or works councillor for review. The latter must give its opinion on the proposal within 8 days, and the employer must consider and act on the opinion before adopting the Act. If the works council/workers' representative does not agree with the amendments, this shall not affect the validity of the Act and the new amendments. What is important is that the act is in compliance with the current legislation (ZDR-1, collective agreements which bind the company).
It is also important to note that the act must be accessible to all employees and must be available at all times in a place where employees can familiarise themselves with its contents without supervision.