AKS Cluster Creation
Srinivasulu Paranduru
Multi Cloud Solution & DevOps Architect @ Tata Consultancy Services | Microsoft Certified Trainer, Cloud & Devops SME
Step 1 : Login to portal.azure.com Kubernetes Services -> Create a Kubernetes cluster
Step2 : Enter the mandatory fields
Subscription : Select the subscription
Resource Group : Create one if does not exists / select the existing one
Cluster present configuration : Standard ($$) (selected Standard from the list )
Kubernetes cluster name : srini-aks
Region : (Europe)UK South
Step 3: Change the size of the cluster to B2S ( Because cluster should have 4GB of memory)
Step 4: By default Node count range will go to 5 but demo change to 1 then click on Review and Create
Step 5: View all the changes then click on Create
Step 6: AKS Cluster will take time of 5 to 10 minutes to create
Step 7 : Then the newly created cluster will show in Kubernetes services and then click on the cluster : srini-aks
Step 8: Click on Connect
Steps 9: steps to connect cluster will be shown in the azure portal
Step10 : Open Cloud Shell or the Azure CLI and run all the commands one by one . Subscription id varies based on your subscription
Step11 : During the process of running the commands from step 10
.kube folder will be created under which user the commands ran
Step12 : Run Kubectl commands
12.1 Get Nodes
kubectl get nodes
12.2 kubectl get pods
No resources found in default namespace.
12.3 Create POD
kubectl run srini-nginx --image=nginx
pod/srini-nginx created
12.4 List PODS
kubectl get pods
Step 13: Delete the AKS Cluster and it will delete the nodes then the cluster will be deleted in 5 to 10 minutes.