Akkodis Life Sciences | Updates & more

Akkodis Life Sciences | Updates & more

In this Newsletter

  1. Intro
  2. Where to meet in person
  3. News from Akkodis Universe
  4. Job vacancies
  5. Recommendations pay off
  6. More questions? Contact us!

1. Intro

It's been a while since our last update, but oh, how the universe of Akkodis Life Sciences has been buzzing with activity! From breakthrough discoveries to pioneering collaborations, our community has been at the forefront of shaping the future of healthcare and beyond.

As Senior Recruiter at Akkodis Germany, I'm thrilled to welcome you back to our vibrant corner of LinkedIn, where we dive deep into the latest trends, developments, and opportunities in the ever-evolving realm of life sciences. Whether you're a seasoned industry expert or just embarking on your journey in this dynamic field, there's something here for everyone.

2. Where to meet in person

For students, graduates, and individuals with initial professional experience, we have events scheduled in the next two months.

?? We are excited to be present at the upcoming general meeting of the btS – Life Sciences Studierendeninitiative e.V. this Friday.

With Andreas Ries et al. from the Center of Competence Medical Engineering, we can expect an exciting keynote speaker.

Following his presentation, he will offer an interactive workshop on how to turn an idea into a serial product. Experiences will be shared, your questions will be addressed, and using an existing prototype, we will demonstrate how such a journey can look like in reality.

The Center of Competence Medical Engineering at Akkodis is ISO 13485 certified and leverages its passion for developing medical products to assist humanity. With a focus on innovation and technological advancement, the team collaborates closely with physicians, surgeons, medical personnel, and clients to develop solutions that enhance healthcare.

With its extensive expertise in medicine, engineering, and product development, the Center of Competence Medical Engineering is capable of transforming innovative ideas into marketable products. From conception to prototyping to serial production, the team accompanies the entire development process.

To be continued.

?? May 16, Antwerp

?? On June 27th, we will also participate in ScieCon again. This time it will take place in Frankfurt, at the DECHEMA premises. In addition to a presentation, we will once again be available to answer questions from students, graduates, and individuals with initial professional experience. We will bring along some job openings and be available to provide information about entering the life sciences industry and about Akkodis' life sciences projects.

The last times, the topics were

  • an experience report from project management in the life sciences sector
  • Adapt & Thrive: Harnessing AI and Continuous Learning, and
  • Exciting Science and Lasting Legacy: How Working with Grants Makes a Real Difference.

Any ideas on what could come next? Let me know.

More details to follow very soon.

3. News from Akkodis Universe

? Akkodis Awarded Global BioStatistics Managed Services Contract by Biopharma Leader to Drive Innovation

The Smart Industry leader provides AI-powered statistical studies and statistical programming tools to accelerate the clients’ non-clinical and clinical trial processes while ensuring roll-out across more than 15 countries. (...)


?? The Pain Relief Dosing Device Giving Patients Control

An innovative new device for administering pain relief, developed from the ground up by Akkodis engineers specialized in medical technology, can not only empower patients but also ease the workload of hospital staff. (...)


Source: Akkodis.com

?? Unlocking Decarbonization Through Digitalization

Digitalization and decarbonization go hand in hand. Nowhere is that more evident than in the energy sector. Energy is a vital area of focus as global efforts to meet emissions reduction targets gather pace. (...)


? Stay up to date? Our magazine:

Thinkers & Makers Magazine

With our Smart Industry tech magazine, we share transformational stories and advanced knowledge on technology and engineering from our people who make incredible happen and drive the Smart Industry forward.

4. Job vacancies

Chemiker, Pharmazeut, Verfahrenstechniker (m/w/d) Serialisierung (Rhein-Main Gebiet)

  • Zusammenstellung und Aufbereitung der zur Serialisierungskonfiguration notwendigen Daten
  • Berücksichtigung der einzelnen Beh?rdenanforderungen
  • Sicherstellung der zeitgerechten Konfiguration von Artikeln, Produktionsauftr?gen und Prozessen
  • Erfahrung im Umgang mit Serialisierungsprozessen von Arzneimitteln


Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in Festphasenchemie/organische Chemie (m/w/d) (Gro?raum München)

  • Mitarbeit in Projekten (Neueinführungen, Optimierungen und/oder Troubleshooting, Inbetriebnahmen, Umbauma?nahmen, Ausbauma?nahmen, Neubauprojekte)
  • Planung, Durchführung und überwachung von Entwicklungs-, Produktions- und Validierungsans?tzen
  • Mitwirkung bei Trouble-Shooting-Projekten und Projekten zur Prozessoptimierung bzw. Scale-Up
  • Promotion Chemie (organische Chemie / Biochemie, Chemieverfahrenstechnik oder ?hnlich)
  • Theoretische und praktische Erfahrung im Bereich der Festphasenchemie und/oder organischen Chemie inkl. Aufreinigungstechnologie und prozessbegleitender Analytik.


Senior Specialist QA GMP (Rhein-Main Gebiet)

  • Als Senior Specialist Quality Assurance GMP bearbeiten, bewerten und entscheiden Sie über Qualit?tsvorf?lle w?hrend der Herstellung, Freigabe, Verpackung/Etikettierung und des Vertriebs von Prüfpr?paraten (IMPs).
  • Sie managen und steuern verschiedene Arten von Qualit?tsvorf?llen gemeinsam mit global organisierten Fachabteilungen und mit externen Partnern.
  • Mehrj?hrige praktische und nachgewiesene Erfahrung in der Arzneimittelherstellung oder -analytik, Qualit?tssicherung und/oder Entwicklung in der pharmazeutischen Industrie
  • Fortgeschrittene Kenntnisse der Entwicklungsprozesse für Prüfpr?parate sowie vertiefte Kenntnisse der cGMP-Vorschriften für IMPs


Not interested? Check out our career page.

5. Recommendations pay off

We are constantly developing and are always looking for new employees. Help us by recommending someone from your circle of friends or acquaintances.

Do you know someone who is looking for a new job, is interested in exciting projects and has fresh ideas? Then send us your recommendation - regardless of whether it's for a position in the commercial, technological or industrial sector!

Your commitment will be rewarded - follow this link.

6. More questions? Contact us!

You can reach me here via LinkedIn or send me an email.

Our team you can reach via Akkodis-LS [at] akkodis.com




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