Akashic Records
I love to think about that great big library in the sky without any discernible walls called the Akashic Records. Many say it was placed there by God to record all successes and failures, life paths, and what needs to be learned or shared in a next life time. All the information on the planet and all that has happened since the beginning of time, has been recorded in the Akashic Records. Some think that it is the archive that souls from other realities, parallel universes, dimensions or planets, can look into and understand what your soul actually needs in this new reincarnated life.
The premise is that the Akashic Records reside in the fourth, some say fifth, dimension. Other theories suggest the AR resides in the ethers (Akasha translated means ethers) around our planet and when other lifeforms come to earth for a third dimensional experience, they can go in to the records of the person they will be reincarnating into to find out which lessons must be learned and perhaps what was tried in the past. There is usually one major issue that needs to be addressed in a lifetime until the lesson is fully learned. However, you can get in touch with these records through very deep meditation and relaxation. But the interesting part is that with more understanding and enlightenment on your part and more meditation, you can continue to gain access to different levels of the Akashic Records, so you may be able to tap into the higher dimensions where more information is stored not only on you, your life, and all life successes and accomplishments, but also what may be a good resolutions to your issues, phobias and concerns. It records every action, reaction, good and bad deeds, and then it goes further into the all planets, all universes, eternities and dimensions. The more you try to contact these records, the more you will be able to receive messages from guides or angels or just hear an audio message in your head or maybe a song on the radio which conveys a message to you.
Many believe angels and spirit guides, not necessarily those you know, help you find the answers you are looking for. It may seem like a dream or a fanciful astral projection, but the information is there for all to use. The Akashic Records are non-judgmental, it simply records what happens and what you and others have done in and with their lives, relationships, with children, parents, career, ambitions and dreams. Everything! Some people can just access it in their everyday lives after they had studied the AR and meditated often and can get information on anything they want. It is important to know though that you cannot access anyone else’s information without their explicit permission, for instance, if someone is doing an AR reading for you.
It is believed that some souls decide to stay behind in the Akashic Records to reeducate and reprocess new ascending souls who have lost their way or who have brought misery to the world that it would not let them continue on a destructive or menacing path. People are marked in life, some say with an invisible mark on their backs by an inter-dimensional creature, so that when they ascend, it will be known where they are to go without delay. In this way, all the souls of those reincarnating to Earth will be extremely positive, kind, compassionate, loving, caring and bring hope back into the world. They will make the planet whole and unite others in just causes to help everyone and save the planet. That’s a nice idea, isn’t it?