Airworthiness Review Certificates (ARC) Process - Considerations

Airworthiness Review Certificates (ARC) Process - Considerations

Issued by EASA Competent Authority (CA)

Reasons Why CA will issue the ARC:

·         Whenever circumstances reveal the existence of a potential risk to aviation safety.

·         When the continuing airworthiness of the aircraft is managed by a CAMO or CAO which has its principal place of business located in a third country.

·         For any other aircraft of 2 730 kg MTOM and below, if the owner so requests.

·         After assessing the recommendation in accordance with point M.B.90.

The owner or operator of the aircraft shall, where necessary for those purposes, provide the competent authority with:

·         Any documentation required by the competent authority;

·         Suitable accommodation at the appropriate location for its personnel;

·         The support of the certifying staff.

Note - An airworthiness review certificate shall not be issued, nor extended if there is evidence or indications that the aircraft is not airworthy.

Airworthiness Review Documentation Requirements

The airworthiness review of the aircraft shall include a full documented review of the aircraft records establishing that the following requirements have been met:

·         Airframe, engine, and propeller flying hours and associated flight cycles have been properly recorded;

·         The flight manual is applicable to the aircraft configuration and reflects the latest revision status;

·         All the maintenance due on the aircraft pursuant to the approved AMP has been carried out;

·         All known defects have been corrected or, when applicable, carried forward in a controlled manner in accordance with M.A.403;

·         All applicable ADs have been applied and properly registered;

·         All modifications and repairs applied to the aircraft have been registered and are in compliance with point M.A.304;

·         All life-limited parts and time-controlled components installed on the aircraft are properly identified, registered and have not exceeded their limitation;

·         All maintenance has been carried out in accordance with this Annex;

·         The current mass and balance statement reflects the current configuration of the aircraft and is valid;

·         The aircraft complies with the latest revision of its type design approved by the Agency;

·         If required, the aircraft holds a noise certificate corresponding to the current configuration of the aircraft in compliance with Subpart I of Annex I (Part-21) to Regulation (EU) No 748/2012.

Airworthiness Review – Physical Requirements

The airworthiness review of the aircraft shall include a physical survey of the aircraft. For that survey, airworthiness review staff not appropriately qualified in accordance with Annex III (Part-66) shall be assisted by such qualified staff.

Through the physical survey of the aircraft, the airworthiness review staff shall ensure that:

·         All required markings and placards are properly installed;

·         The aircraft complies with its approved flight manual;

·         The aircraft configuration complies with the approved documentation;

·         No evident defect can be found that has not been addressed in accordance with point M.A.403;

·         No inconsistencies can be found between the aircraft and the documented review of records.

Note - By derogation, the airworthiness review may be anticipated by a maximum period of 90 days without loss of continuity of the airworthiness review pattern, so as to allow for the physical review to take place during a maintenance check.

Issue of Airworthiness Review Certificate

·         The airworthiness review certificate (EASA Form 15b) or

·         The recommendation for the issue of the airworthiness review certificate (EASA Form 15a) referred to in Appendix III to this Annex can only be issued:

o   By authorised airworthiness review staff on behalf of the approved organisation;

o   If the airworthiness review has been completely carried out.

Note 1 - A copy of any airworthiness review certificate issued or extended for an aircraft shall be sent to the Member State of registry of the aircraft concerned within 10 days.

Note 2 - Airworthiness review tasks shall not be subcontracted. (But they can be contracted – note the difference is related to legal task ownership)

Note 3 - Should the outcome of the airworthiness review be inconclusive, the organisation having carried out the review shall inform the competent authority as soon as possible and in any case within 72 hours from the moment the organisation identifies the reason for which the airworthiness review is inconclusive.

Note 4 - The airworthiness review certificate shall not be issued until all findings have been closed.

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) & Sofema Online (SOL) offers EASA Compliant Regulatory & Vocational Training to meet the full intent of EASA Part CAMO Regulation 1321/2014 as amended by Regulations (EU) 2019/1383 & (EU) 2020/270. Please see the websites or email [email protected] for further details.


