IS Airtifical intelligence a new flash point for USA vs China??

IS Airtifical intelligence a new flash point for USA vs China??

First we will Have brief?about what is AI?. Artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs and perform human-like tasks. Most AI examples that you hear about today – from chess-playing computers to self-driving cars – rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing. Using these technologies, computers can be trained to accomplish specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data.

This kind of technology depends on the very tiny chip called semiconductors. These are very important?hardware Component used for implementation of Artificial intelligence (AI).These chips are used in wide range of products like in 5G Technology ,Cars,Computers,Mobiles and any Electronic gadgets like AC’s, Refrigerators, televisions, washing machines, refrigerators and LED bulbs etc.So, The semiconductor market size is about more than $525 in billion U.S dollars as of oct’2021.This can also be said as $525,000,000,000 USD .That is exactly more than half of?net worth of global tech Gaint Facebook in 2021.Because of this huge market share in present Economy Every country wants to be global leader in Artificial intelligence (AI).

Artificial intelligence is widely used to provide personalised recommendations to people, based for example on their previous searches and purchases or other online behaviour. AI is hugely important in commerce: optimising products, planning inventory, logistics etc. Even The US military is testing an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) system that it hopes can predict an enemy's next move days before it actually occurs.Knowing the importance of this in growing digital world ?Each country wants to have a monopoly in future digital world .China want to surpass the US by 2030. As China’s military capabilities become comparable to or even exceed those of the U.S. in some areas, AI technology may become critical to a fraught global competition that will define post pandemic world created by other small size virus.We humans must proud of our inovations in science and technology which will create and destroy the world at the same pace .

Now here is where the concept of science and technology in the current scenarios of world gets very interesting .it is a know fact that the wuhan virus was emerged in a wet market in china which created a once in a life time pandemic for humans and many had lost?their loved ones for the wuhan virus.The origin of the wuhan (covid19) virus must be found to prevent the future pandemic and?the world has also ‘lab leak theory’ for the wuhan virus where the original virus samples from the bat’s species are collected ?and those are modifided using the method called “Gain Of Function Experiment” which?is highly risky to conducted because the virus could spread on to humans while conducting the experiement if sufficient precaution’s are not followed.But long before the pandemic has begun the scientists around?the wolrd was concerned that the sufficient safety precautions was not followed but the people who was conducting various experiments in the state owned wuhan institute of virology. Even the criticism around the couldn’t stop The?Chinese Communist Party?(CCP) ?regime to conduct the highly risky experiments .But interestingly the pandemic has begun in the wet market in wuhan which is very?close to the state owned wuhan institute of virology.This further fuled the conspiracy of ‘Lab leak theory.

So to find origin of the Wuhan virus the Compromised?team of World Health Organistaion(WHO) selected by the communist party regime was sent?to wuhan after the time gap of more than 14 months but ironically The team visited team has spent 4 hours in lab and 1 hour in wet market and investigated the virus orgins by the data given by the communist party regime not by the data required by the team . Then team went on to publish a final report and said the lab leak theory as ‘ HIGHLY UNLIKELY’ And also couldn’t find the origins of the virus. But when the team Had successfully left the China after the probe many scientists?from World Health Organistaion(WHO) team again urged the communist party regime in China to provide the Required RAW DATA to find the origins of wuhan virus which China was fully hesitant to provide the data at the time of probe . This has again fuled the rise of speculations??to THE LAB LEAK THEORY, where the World Health Organistaion(WHO) team which went to has already claimed that that lab leak is highly unlikely.Even after 22 months of pandemic the Communist regime in china has not given a meaningfull cooperation to WORLD HEALTH ORGANISTAIONS and world super power US to conduct research into the origins of WUHAN VIRUS.

The pandemic and lack of transparency in probe into origin of wuhan virus, and The western countries failing to punish China for its genocide Human rights violation In xinjiang province of china where more than 10 million people of Uyghur ?muslims are kept under forced detentation and forced labour By the Communist Party regime itself has further escalated the trade war between USA and CHINA which has begun before pandemic.

And silmillar to cold war One between Russia and USA Which ultiamately triggered a space race ?between two major powers of the world ?Airtificial intelligence has also set a stage for race ?Between USA And China . But this race ?could also blow out into a war in near future where Taiwan as a battle ground. When communist party in China ??started to control of Country All the Anti-communist ?people started to reallocate to?the near by island and called it as Republic Of China and later renamed to Taiwan. Since seaparation from main land china Taiwan was administered by an democratically elected government by Taiwanese people and but Beijing ?always said that Taiwan is a break away province of china and it’s a integral part of China and every country should not recognize Taiwan as an Independent country . This conflict between Taiwan and China is still continued till today.But The current Tsai Ing-wen administration of the taiwan maintains that Taiwan is already an independent country and thus does not have to push for any sort of formal independence.

During this time of conflict between China and Taiwan , the Taiwan has ?become one of the most ?developed countries in the world today.On 21 February 1987 a company was founded by Morris Chang Named it as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited(TSMC). Today TSMC produces more half of global semiconductors and over 90% Most advanced semiconductors chips in the world .These chips are very important for the implementation of Implementation of #Airtificial intelligence for which both USA and China Are trying very Hard to be global power in Airtifical Inteligence and win the race.

But China has ?said that China is working on Reunification of their mother land(invade taiwan) and would be completed even by force if required.

The western countries have failed to punish China for its genocide Human rights violation In xinjiang province of china where more than 10 million people of Uyghur ?muslims are kept under forced detentation and forced By the Communist Party regime itself . And western counries also failed to get the probe of wuhan virus completed transparently. Taiwan is the only last chance for western powers to keep their dominance ?in the world in both geopolical power balance and Airtificiall Intelligence. So Western countries have vowed to protect Taiwan from any potential invasion From mainland China . Leaders as far away as Canada and Western Europe,UK ?have sent their ?navy ships to the contested South China Sea this year as pushback against Beijing and show gesture of support to Taiwan . Which makes the western countries to ?not only defend their dominance world but also at the same time push China back and gradually make china pay the mistakes it has done in past till today.



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