Airports : Place/Non-place



With this report, I wish to analyze the notion of place, mobility, and affection. In the report, I focus on a present solution to quality of the passenger journey in the place. Report present finding from literature research which constructed by strategic design thinking observing place notion by Auge and Cresswell. Moreover, in the report, you see reflection to the notion of mobility by Freudendal-Pedersen, Hannam, and Kesselring.Furthermore, the article is going to remark on Sheller and Urry publication on motilities paradigm. Last but not least, the report is going to reflect the notion of affection by Anderson and Ott. After this short introduction, I am going to introduce key question which is; How to enhance people’s sense of place in airports? The short answer is thinking airport as a utopia where connecting and interacting with the passenger is the key. Designing airport as a place which has utopia atmosphere and well-shaped artifact affordance relationship. This article acknowledges airports as places where need redefinition by design. Moreover, Article mention in today global internet-connected world. Everywhere is placed the world has no non-places anymore. The airport place has to be cosmopolitan utopia, reflecting hope, positive emotions, personal history connection and cultural and heritage and passenger personal history. The article will give detail about these finding in each notion. The article argues that the airport must create and have utopia atmosphere by using physical construction (light music, architectural design) and VR and AR technology.

Notion of Place


According to Cresswell place as idea has variety with relation to geography and social life. Cresswell explain how places can be made meaningful by individuals and how people can become attached to place. The author gives example of the application of the notion of place, “There on the carpet you notice a stain where someone has split some coffee. Some of the paint on the wall is missing. Perhaps someone had used putty to put up poster. These are the haunting of past habitation. This anonymous space has a history-it meant something to other people. A common strategy is to make the space say something about you. You add your own possessions, rearrange the furniture within the limits of the space, put your own possessions. Rearrange the furniture within the limits of the space, put your own posters on the wall. Arrange a few books purpose fully on the desk. This space is turned into place. Your place.” (2015:7). With the development AR reality and virtual reality, we can create specific version of place in any space. Therefore, every space can be the place. For instance, place such as Starbucks almost has the same design however if your hometown`s Starbucks place which is part of your daily routine has any specific design element we can carry that element virtually into Starbucks inside airports. With this we open door to personal memories which enhance place of belongs. Some form of connection to passengers so that meaning can be created in the place. In here place refers to airports. Finally, sense of place is subjective and emotional thus using affection of passengers with AR/VR place can illustrate what is emotional elements of passengers into to place.   


Cresswell then begins to explain the concept of space, stating that space is viewed as an area without meaning, as something basic and unrelated. However, he then says that once a human invests meaning into a space, they then become attached to it in some way, thus, it then becomes a place. According to Cresswell (2015:10) “A conscious Choice by community organizers to constrict the rural, Preindustrial bohio…. from the island as new kind of community center in devastated tenement districts such as Lower Harlem the south Bronx and Lower east side Painted in coral, turquoise or lemon yellow these dwellings recall the colors of Caribbean and evoke a memory of the homeland for immigrants who find them-self in Alphabet City or Spanish Harlem.”. Similar to example before, Designer can increase sense of belonging by choosing right color balance which remains people their hometown or symbol from their past. In here color place can be signifier for their history and their culture. As shortly visual heritage is tool for designer. Designer can enhance peoples sense of place.


According to Cresswell “The idea space and place require each other by definition, From the security and stability of place we are aware of the openness, freedom and threat of space and vice versa. Furthermore, if we think of space as that which allows movement, then place is pause, each pause in movement makes it possible for location to be transformed into place.” (2015:71). In my opinion, the wrong point of Cresswell is the world we are living right now. With connectivity to the digital world we are never paused, we are always in the move even we are sleeping we are moving in digital world. Therefore, Cresswell definition is not relevant anymore.


He uses phenomenology to refer one of the other factor transform space into places. The designer can adopt particular patterns into places enhance peoples sense of place in airports. According to Cresswell (2015:71) “Phenomenology ask if from the variety of ways which men and women behave in and experience their everyday world there are particular patterns which transcend specific empirical contexts and points to   the essential human condition. The irreducible crux of people’s life situations which remains when all non-essentials cultural context historical era, personal idiosyncrasy curacies are stippled bare though phenomenological procedures.”


This statement explains phenomenology which is the application of patterns. The designer can simulate daily act and past experience of everyday life digitally which is going to increase familiarity with place. As shortly, phenomenology is the tool designer can use empty space of airport in place. 


According to Cresswell (2015:82) “Cosmopolitanism as an example,it is consistently argued that this is the 21 century and that is based on mobility. Discourses of consmopolitianism evoke ways being and acting beyond the local of having effective attachment in multiple spaces beyond the boundaries of resident nation state. Indeed call center agents and actors who portray them inhabit multiple places simultaneously, and have imaginary investments in places simultaneously, and have imaginary investments in places that transcend and transgress their immediate environs.”. In conclusion, cosmopolitanism is the solution. As designer, we can design place within the places. With AR/VR we can create digital hub, thus create connection to everywhere which means every space is place.


On the other hand, according to Auge (2008) place must be local, familiar, valuable and meaningful in an emotional way. Auge claims space is the area where it has no identity and lacks relationships.


According to Auge (2008:64) “If a place can be defined as relational historical and concerned with identity then space which cannot be defined as relational or historical or concerned with identity will be a non-place.”. On the other hand, with development in technology, I disagree with Auge definition of space. In my opinion, all space places. Therefor there are no known-places, we getting more connected each passing they with each other and with our artifacts (products which has Wi-Fi connection with its user). Furthermore, Auge himself accept that there is no strictly feature of places and non-places. Non-place to someone can be a place to someone else.


Moreover, Auge gave example of his thought on designer “architecture seems to Allude to planetary society that is yet to materialize. It suggests the brilliant fragments of resplendent utopia in which we would like to believe a society of transparency. It sketches something that is of the order of utopia and at same time the order of allusion by drawing in broad strokes a time that has not yet arrived that will perhaps never arrive, but that remains within the realms of possible” (2008:18) As designer, we should aim to design best possible place for human well-being. Futuristic utopia which create illusion by befitting people affection.


Notion of Mobility


In the new motilities paradigm, Mimi Sheller and Joh Urry study the concept of paradigm motilities by using social science. Auteurs do reach on emergent paradigm to observe mobile theories and methods. This means that, their detection of enhancing global immigration of humanity causing a variety of sequence for people and places which are fast and slow lanes across the world.


Authors give the notion of mobility. According to Sheller and Urry (2006:208) “new paradigm is being formed within the social sciences, the new mobilizers paradigm some recent contributions to forming and stabbing this new paradigm include contributions from anthropology cultural studies geography migration studies science and technology studies tourism and transport studies and sociology.”


They define airport as immobile platforms Mobile and immobile platform coming top each other as technology develop therefor there will be no linear increase in fluidity without an expensive system of immobility. Shortly immobility is the word can use the explain places such as airports, terminals or else any transportation port. Furthermore, places used to seem as fixed given stand-alone building without interaction and separate from those visiting, there wasn’t any connection between the architecture and passenger also between vehicles and architecture. The new mobility paradigm, disagree with this definition, according to Sheller and Urry (2006) there are complex abstraction of places and persons(passenger) by their performances and their presentations.


Moreover, according to authors place can be mobile by performing certain activities. According to them “these activities can include specific forms of talk, work or information gathering but may involve simply being connected maintaining a moving presence with other that holds the potential for many different convergences or divergences of the physical presence of place”. (2006: 214). Places create mobility by developing a relationship with the passenger. Passenger attraction with family, with friendship with, business life lastly leisure activities of the passenger.  


The airport space is a place of transmission of person and artifacts into two worlds.

Airports are the place where people act boring ever-day rhythm. Moreover, airports are cyber-mobility’s.


On the other hand, Freudenthal-Pedersen, Hannam, and Kesselring (2016) consider motilities paradigm is proven the concept of understanding of social interaction, communication, and exchange its usefulness. However, they are vocal about damages such as increasing inequalities, climate change, urban sprawl and energy-consuming lifestyles due to the enchanting rate of mobility.


Freudenthal-Pedersen, Hannam, and Kesselring (2016) mention the notion of motilities as a cultural aspect. It is influenced by thoughts or feelings of freedom, independence, adaptability, and happiness.


They desire mobility as a general principle of modern society. Furthermore, the emphasis on freedom of mobility they mention people has right moved another place and stay in one place.


They develop the concept of applied motilities goal to range out both scientific and field of art and craft. Applied motilities consider studying unfolded, rationalized and imagined future of mobility. They used strategic design thinking as main methodological approach focusing on interdisciplinary interactions


Authors give several examples of the application, according to Freudenthal-Pedersen, Hannam, and Kesselring “These different approaches may provide opportunities to, for example, better understand the contested design of spectacular mega-events with their related security concerns or the ethical implications of social-technical innovations that connect communities in crises with a professional response.” Basically, they are observing security problems of social-technical innovations in the place such as Airport where one of the most security concerned place in place mobility relation. (2016:4) 


Cultural motilities focus on the special social places such as airports, shopping center…Cultural motilities engineer newfound forms of social and cultural life of visitor/passenger, memory and identity visitor/passenger these sections are going to create anthropological research data for a designer to create worldly experiences of being and moving place, as result designer will have sufficient data to design places which enhance people’s sense of place.


In the conclusion, a new way of moment emerging such as virtual and imaginative thus they are affecting physical travel hugely. The airport must adopt this new reality, people own new approach to interacting and communicating with place and space. The key world is creating artifact as a tool or designing artifact as a place while the passenger can have a sense of presence while being absent and mobile at the same time within the place(airport) or outside of the place(internet).


The mobiles paradigm powerfully claim that all places and spaces are connected you can imagine the spider net connecting everybody and all places with each other. As a result of networks of connection expanse on the far side each other means nowhere can be a lone island and cosmopolitanism is the solution airport thus they have to utopia at the same time.   




Jense, Lanng and Simon realize importance affordances, they analyzed Norman expatiation as well as myself. According to Jense, Lanng, Simon (2016:30) “Affordance is thus a concept that enables us to target the performative efects of mobile situations through the relational mobile subject–body–materiality couplings. Yet, as we may have frequently experienced ourselves, “afordances” are not closed-of scripts for behaviour: for example, we may, or may not, choose to observe and follow the signal of a red traffic light. They highlight Norman solid definition of afordance as well which I am 100% agree “afordance is not a property. An affordance is a relationship”.


Moreover, According to Jense, Lanng, Simon (2016:30) “Thesituational framework, “afordance” becomes a conceptual tool that enable us analytically to highlight the performative efects of materialities in mobile situations without losing sight of how humans also play essential roles in the performance of mobilities. Hence, with our situational approach we propose not only to advance analytical attention to the design of materialities enabling mobile situations, thereby bringing us analytically closer to physical sites and artefacts.”


Norman for myself is one of the best design thinkers in the world and his book one of most effective design book defines the relationship between user and product(artifact). His thoughts must be part any design article in my personal opinion. The designer always starts creating a relation with artifacts. The relationship based on emotion and affection. In here the artifacts can refer to airport, place inside airports such as Starbucks or waiting room. Or products we use inside the airports. Objects which passages have usage or interaction. Applying technological development in AR/VR, the designer can expand channel to create the better relationship with an artifact. The designer can reflect the emotional history of a passenger in the places. In this case inside of the airports thus designer enhance people’s sense of place in airports. Last but not least this doesn't specifically apply to the airport. However, creating fortified affordance between artifacts and user benefit all places. Furthermore, developing better affordance lead solution of mobility problem inside the airport[Going point A to B, physical location change inside the airport].Jensen, Lanng and Simon (2016:32) “Materialities such as transport modes and routes (compositions of physical environments, architectures and places) represent sensorial landscapes with distinctive emotional and afective dispositions that aford various experiences, and facilitate productive and recreational uses when enrolled in everyday mobility situations”. As a result, the designer can neglect negative emotions such as frustration by avoiding negative emotion designer can enhance people’s sense of place in the airports.  






Notion of Atmosphere


According to J. Urry et al., (2016: 13) “The airport space is globalization's utopia, the perfect form that globalization takes, stemming from the very best optimism. This utopic atmosphere is then copied, simulated and rolled out in towns, cities, resorts, islands, festivals, and events around the world. In short, the airport atmosphere, at once regulative and experimental, is on the move.”

They paint the picture of what airport must be attractive for the passenger. To enhance familiarize factor for the passenger in a place, the airport must reflect what would be a utopic atmosphere for outside environment (towns, cities). According to the atmosphere can explain as aura remind people their interaction with specific place, artifacts or experience.


Airports are cosmopolitan places where a passenger from various cultural heritage from global connects the tremendously elaborated place. These cause people and places unpredictably intersection through the various mood of while waiting to move another place. Adapting AR/VR designer provide an opportunity for passenger their specific history into places without making physical changing for utopia atmospheric. Furthermore, J. Urry et al., interpret atmosphere

as such, “Atmospheres thus function as a kind of silent language which can communicate particular, largely symbolic, but also sensory, things to buyers such as factors pertaining to lifestyle, quality, or aesthetic impressions of the self. Getting the atmosphere right has become essential to the success of a whole range of consumer industries producing goods and services in the neo-liberal age of unbridled consumption”. (2016: 17). Atmospheres can characterize as uncertain in nature which concentrating on identifying the feeling of the place, in this case, airports. Atmospheres transmit experiences of affection, emotion, visuals, material, light, color and texture as passenger experience them inside of the place, it transmits a meaning of the place to enhance people’s sense of place in airports. As a result, designer design places within the places which will be unique for passenger and this enhance affections with the personalized atmosphere. This is going to lead attachment to place by providing better user experiences. In the end, every passenger can have a unique atmosphere which is varied and can redefine their utopic view to enhance their comfort while waiting without forging any physical construction.


According to J. Urry et al., (2016) Utopia is an indefinable concept, and sure enough not the one can easily design. People can have various visual and ideological concept of utopia from the pop-culture (movie, TV shows, books, comics). There is a doubtfulness, cloudiness or receptive to atmospheres.


Utopia creates quality and caliber experience which has ameliorated emotional quality for the user. In the case of airport utopia, places create these effects for passengers.






Notion of Affection


According to Ott (2017) affect can be divided into four group which are feelings, moods, emotions, and passions. In this article, we are going to observe their finding related to design and mobility and effect.


Ott studied Jameson thought on affection in his article reiterates Jameson discovery on affect such as this, affect is bound to the communicative dimensions of the art. Art which creates emotions of arousal atmosphere for the person when they enter the space place. On the other hand, Ott also studied Massumi research specify affect as concept neither subject nor object. However, affect is corporal motility, interaction, and the kinetic activity of becoming. Ott points out that, Massumi observe affect as an extensive power that all artifacts or user utilize upon one another in a place.


According to Ott (2017: 4) “Tomkins cites the example of terror as an innate affect. Reported by Tompkins, one can be terrified of losing their job, being diagnosed with cancer, or being publically humiliated. But in none of these circumstances is terror-tied to the drive mechanism, to the “desperate quality of the hunger, thirst, breathing, and sex drives” Tomkins explain affect as stimulated mechanisms and call sexually aroused driver function.


Tomkins arranged these nine primary motivating mechanisms of affect which consist of three categories: Positive, neutral, and negative. The positive affects are interest, excitement, and enjoyment. The neutral affects are surprised and startle. Lastly, negative effects are distress, anguish, fear, terror, anger, rage, shame, humiliation, disguised and dis-smell. The key to place(airport) design avoids negative affects and focus on the positive mechanism of affect.


Ott (2017) defines emotions are triggered by external stimuli related to the interceptive senses (vision, hearing, taste, and smell). These experiences can be either perceived or recalled. As designers, we should focus on manipulating these senses. By doing so the designer will create a correct atmosphere which is the key enhance people’s sense of place.


The airport mainly focused two type of emotion background emotion and primary or basic emotions. Basic emotions refer to the states of fear, anger, disgust, surprise, sadness, and happiness. After emotions space defines passage re-mood them which are related to the interior design of airport. More detailed on airports atmosphere, it can be understood differently from a personal history of the passenger. Places can define as re- interactive atmosphere created by affection. Places carry the meaning of culture, values, and tradition. To influence the affection of person in the airport we can use a tool such as light, sound, and texture. 


On the other hand, Anderson (2013) analyzes affect and emotion impact on cultural geography. He examination specifically on hope which he gives example two events first one it’s an earthquake near miner and how loved one of miner waits to see their close one again. The hope in the air change atmosphere this should be the inspiration for designer and designer have to ask them self, how we carry hope into designing atmosphere?


On the other hand, he gave example from politics how one of the most famous recent campaign slogan “yes, we can, yes we can” gave hope aura for the change in places atmosphere. While Obama was giving his speech. Furthermore, Anderson explains the relation between affect, emotion is not representation is separation. Which contradict Ott definition. However, we need to examine how they have connected to the far side the possibility that a system of signification. This rethinking might bear on a focal point on how specific forms of verbal expression play along and attribute the norm of emotions. By this Anderson give us another finding we should use to enhance people’s sense of place in airports. Additionally, similar to Ott, Anderson (2013) view affection effect person in place in the norm of shame, shyness, hate, and anger.


Anderson (2013) calls these emotions, heterogeneous range of phenomena by this definition. He claims that emotions and affects are relative concept consisted of their relations. With help of dialog and tone (music).





As a result, the airport is the place which is globalization's utopia, the complete form that globalization takes, stemming from the very best optimism of our world. As a designer, we should give a message of hope by visual design language creating utopia by using music and illumination and designing concept forced by culture, values, and tradition.


The designer should create place of place inside of the airports, with reference to culture and habits, national customs, values and traditions and past visual emotional history of passengers. Airport terminals are affecting places reflect expectancy, hope, enthusiasm, anxiety, desire, and fear. As mentioned in above in the previous section, the designer should focus on the positive sensitivity of passengers obtain the desirable atmosphere by applying human-centered design methodology which is able to create cross-able and tangible; shifting, floating, open-ended atmosphere.


The designer should aim to design place which gives the experience of the rich affecting atmosphere. Airports place of connectivity. It is automatic cosmopolitanism. As a result, the airport must be utopia cultivate positive emotion and creates an illustration for a person. Combination of the virtual world and physical environment makes it much more possible to create utopia and the utopia-tic airport have to demonstrate life standard passenger/visitors might achieve in the future. As a designer, we can design place in the places. With AR/VR we can create a digital hub, thus create a connection to everywhere which give designer to turn every space into place. Music and illumination are a designer tool. Thus, this can be achieved by physical design (interior design or mobility concept) or virtual artifacts (VR or AR devices and applications). If what airport offers for person worse than outside, people have no reason spent time in chaotic place.This is my utopia atmosphere is the key answer to our research question.



Reference list

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Auge, Marc. 2008. Non-places. Translated by John Howe. London: Verso

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Ott, Brian L. 2017. “Affect.” Critical/Cultural Studies Online Publication, DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.56  

Ott, Brian L. 2017. “Affect.” Critical/Cultural Studies Online Publication, DOI: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.56  

Anderson, Ben. 2013. “Affect and Emotion.” The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Cultural Geography, Chapter 37. New York: John&Wiley&Son

Anderson, Ben. 2013. “Affect and Emotion.” The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Cultural Geography, Chapter 37. New York: John&Wiley&Son

Anderson, Ben. 2013. “Affect and Emotion.” The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Cultural Geography, Chapter 37. New York: John&Wiley&Son


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