AirGuard AirWaves February 2025

AirGuard AirWaves February 2025

Welcome to our AirGuard AirWaves February 2025 Edition - providing you with recent insights into the art and science of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) management.

AirGuard addressed and exhibited ?at February’s IAQ Trade Fair

Paul Austin, AirGuard CEO, presenting at the IAQ Trade Fair

The Indoor Air Quality Service Provider Trade Fair, organized by the?EPD’s?Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Information Centre,?was held on 14th February at the offices of the Hong Kong Productivity Council, which aims to promote Hong Kong as a smart city with a strong Innovation & Technology (I&T) drive.

AirGuard presented our new ?prosumer desktop sensors, 'Ada' and 'Cube,' as well as new industrial sensors with Modbus connectivity geared towards commercial buildings, large-scale facilities and industrial settings.? All of our sensors offer accurate?monitoring of key air quality metrics such as CO2, particulate matter (PM) and TVOCs to provide real-time data to improve IAQ in homes, offices, schools and medical facilities.

The 'Ada' and 'Cube' prosumer sensors are now?available for purchase on our website, while the industrial sensors can be acquired by contacting our sales team directly.

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The Link Between Sleep and Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

Sleep Well for a Healthy Heart

How to Optimize Your Sleep for a Healthier Heart

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is?a biomarker that reveals how well your heart adapts to stress. How well you sleep has a major impact on your HRV? - and on your overall health.

HRV?isn’t about how fast your heart beats, but rather measures ?the space between beats. That’s important, because a healthy heart actually speeds up slightly when inhaling, and slows when exhaling, due to the two branches of the?“autonomic nervous system” or ANS:?

  • Parasympathetic (“rest-and-digest”):?Lowers heart rate, promotes recovery.
  • Sympathetic (“fight-or-flight”):?Raises heart rate, primes you for action.

HRV measures the balance between these two systems. A higher HRV signals a resilient, adaptable heart, while a lower HRV may indicate stress, fatigue or cardiovascular risk. ?Wearables like Fitbit, Apple Watch or Whoop track HRV overnight, and are making the measurement of HRV more accessible.

For those curious about their health, the deep stage of sleep has the most beneficial effect on HRV, but the most important thing is to get sufficient quality sleep. For more on how best to improve your HRV, please continue to the full article below.

Read the full article here


Engineering Better Air Flow In Cruise-Ships To Help Prevent Disease Outbreaks?

A study led by the University of Surrey and published in Science of the Total Environment highlights the need for improved air circulation in cruise ship dining areas to prevent disease outbreaks.

Researchers monitored IAQ on a 5,000-passenger cruise ship, focusing on CO2 levels, ventilation and airborne infection risks. While most areas had good IAQ, crowded spaces such as pubs and restaurants showed elevated CO2 levels (over 2,000 ppm), indicating higher disease transmission risks. The study also noted energy inefficiencies from over-air conditioning in cabins and theatres.

Researchers emphasized the importance of targeted ventilation strategies and better air filtration, especially in high-occupancy areas, to enhance passenger safety and energy efficiency. Another practical solution would be to offer air teatment solutions such as AirGuard’s Active Germ Suppression technology, as detailed on our company website.

Read the full article here


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