Airedale shows the way....
Jens Eivind Kirkebjerg - Vandk?lingsanl?g - Fancoil - m.m.
Forbedring af indeklimaet, eller anden form for k?ling - kontakt 28886674
Test Centre
Airedale International Air Conditioning has invested in a multi-million pound 1,323m2 purpose built facility that sets the standard as one of the most advanced air conditioning product testing centres of its kind within the global air conditioning industry, and one of the biggest in Europe. This facility is integral to our development process and ensures guaranteed accuracy of our data and performance. It can also be used for witness tests to provide our customers with complete peace of mind prior to installation.
Capable of testing from -20°C up to +50°C
Designed and built to exceed stringent international standards, the refrigeration and air conditioning test centre is capable of testing a complete range of air conditioning equipment with cooling and heating capacities from 2kW to 500kW and air cooled water chillers up to 2MW, the climate temperature being fully controllable anywhere from -20°C to +50°C.
- ISO5151 – Testing of A/C units & heat pumps – Non-ducted
- Eurovent 6/6 Standard 6/6 and all rating standards
- BSEN 814 – Rating tests, cooling & AC 8 HP
- BSEN12055 – Rating tests, liquid chilling packages
- BSEN ISO 11203 – Sound power measurement
- BSEN 14511 – Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps, with electrically driven copressors for space heating and cooling
- BSEN ISO9614 – Acoustic determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound intensity
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