Airbox EyeSend - Getting Video and Location from Almost Anywhere
William Moore
Founder and CEO of Airbox Systems. Airbox exists to protect all people through software which connects and enables the world’s responders. We are at the heart of over 200,000 emergency services operations a year.
About a year ago, Airbox released a technology that we call EyeSend. It allows users to pinpoint almost anyone via a text message. The principle is that any user can send a text message direct from any Airbox enabled terminal to any other modern smartphone. When the receiving users taps on the message it opens a browser, requests their permission and then starts streaming video and/or location information to any other Airbox terminal.
Our original envisaged use case for this was members of the public calling the emergency services, but it also has broad applications from roadside assistance to hostage situations.
Essentially anywhere where a response team needs to be able to locate an individual and where a subject matter expert needs to be able to see what's going on in order to make the right response.
Our development of this functionality was sparked by a situation where a young woman had a bicycle accident and ended up with the handlebars of her bicycle sticking through her leg. The ambulance service were unable to ascertain the severity of the situation and did not send any ambulance at all. In the end she got taken to the hospital by her mother in the family estate car. Now, if the ambulance service had had EyeSend then there is little doubt that they would have responded to the incident. Not only that, but they would have easily been able to locate her.
The system can track up to 10,000 contacts simultaneously and the cost to the user in minimised. Furthermore, we've developed some advanced technology around the ability to stream ultra-high quality images even in very low bandwidth environments.
The functionality is shown in our MOSAIC video and is available to trial.