I′m like you... two decades ago !!!

I′m like you... two decades ago !!!

Having served Latin American air transport for four decades, and having studied, with great interest, the development of innovative concepts and solutions, for the needs and possibilities of the first world, one observation is inevitable !

As a rule, when Europe, for example, is searching for solutions, to its current problems, Latin America is facing difficulties, for not having adopted solutions, successfully introduced in Europe, decades before !

An unquestionable evidence of such reality is Europe′s current frenetic search, for "post-CDM" solutions, while in Latin America, we still suffer the impact of never having understood the importance of surface surveillance technologies, as a key enabler of common situational awareness, in airport environment.

Similarly, while Europe is now realizing that the necessary demand restraint, introduced by Ground Delay Programs is not sufficient to ensure smooth and efficient "end-to-end" air operations, Latin America continues to naively believe that obsessively rushing to close doors of its flights on-time, regardless of space availability ahead, ensures economic sustainability, predictability and environmental friendliness of its air operations.

Crowded airports, congested airspace, fuel waste, environmental damage and service judicialization, are nothing but obvious consequences of it !

And so we have witnessed predictably failed attempts to implement Eurocontrol's A-CDM in a region where there is NO regional Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM) service and airports operate with NO surface surveillance capability (blind mode), with Air Traffic Controllers doing their best, to efficiently "manage" an airport space, that does not belong to them - the Apron.

But as bad can always come to worse, it won't be long, before smart experts from the first world, come down to Latin America, to promote "the wonderful world of post-CDM solutions".

Welcome to the "Total Airport Management" alike solutions, developed with focus on European needs and possibilities.... as magic pills for Latin America !

How about stop buying "A-CDM" software and buy Total Airport Management software, instead ? It sounds tempting !!!

For those who doubt it, I will be glad to provide some links, for Public Procurements of A-CDM and Total Airport Management software !!!


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