Air and Space Power Journal-Africa and Francophonie (ASPJ-A&F)
Welcome to ASPJ-A&F, an Air University's quarterly scholarly publication.
A Long, Rich History
Even before the founding of the United States Air Force, Air University initiated Air University Quarterly Review in 1947 as a professional publication in the highest sense of the word—one that would reflect the best professional thought concerning global concepts and doctrines of air strategy and tactics. Since its inauguration, the journal has appeared under the titles Air University Quarterly Review, Air University Review, Airpower Journal, Aerospace Power Journal, and, currently, Air and Space Power Journal.
Air and Space Power Journal-French (ASPJ–F)
Air and Space Power Journal in French was launched in 2005, targeting an audience of 29 countries with French as the official language. Four years later, ASPJ–F became Air and Space Power Journal-Africa and Francophonie (ASPJ-A&F)
In 2009, Air University began publishing ASPJ-A&F, as a forum for the dissemination of original research articles and review articles in numerous areas, refereed by subject-matter experts. Each issue, appearing in print and online, includes contributions in both English and French. Now in its ninth year of existence, the Journal is read in 185 countries; 1,015 academic institutions; 292 think tanks in 42 countries; 667 institutes; government agencies; armed and security forces; and so forth (as of July 2017).
ASPJ–A&F is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed Journal cutting across both the social sciences and airpower operational art and strategy. ASPJ–A&F is a quarterly publication of Air University. The mission of the Journal is to explore significant issues and serve as a vehicle for the intellectual enrichment of its readers.
ASPJ–A&F’s electronic version, which already attracts as many readers as its hard-copy counterpart. It allows our readers to discuss articles with other subscribers from around the world and view updated topics. Free from the constraints of conventional printing, ASPJ–A&F is able to publish more articles, add new sections, and quickly adapt the Journal to our reader's needs. (You can subscribe here or by contacting the editor directly. We will safeguard your e-mail address and send you short quarterly messages announcing the posting of the new issue.)
Mission Statement
ASPJ-A&F’s principles embody the spirit of democratic ideals; intellectual rigor; critical analysis; vigorous, scholarly research; proven methodologies; and the primacy of clarity and quality in its articles. Thus, ASPJ-A&F maintains the Air Force tradition of ensuring the intellectual and editorial independence of its publications. It will continue to explore significant issues and serve as a vehicle for our readers’ intellectual enrichment.
ASPJ–A&F welcome contributions from researchers, scholars, policy makers, practitioners, and informed observers on such topics as strategic and security issues, international relations, civil-military relations, leadership, ethics/morality, women in society, economics, rule of law, terrorism, human rights, and so forth. Articles should take existing theories and concepts in a new direction or bring a novel perspective to current literature.
Manuscripts submitted to ASPJ-A&F 's Editor should follow the guidelines provided in AU-1, Air University Style and Author Guide, or the most recent edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.
The views and opinions expressed or implied in ASPJ-A&F are those of the authors and should not be construed as carrying the official sanction of the United States Air Force, the Department of Defense, Air Education and Training Command, Air University, or other agencies or departments of the US government.
Remy Mauduit, Editor
Fran?ais :
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