Air is free - take advantage!
Chris Voysey
Your voice is such an important part of how you connect through communication. It is key to building your brand. I am a speaker on 'VOICE POWER' and a Voice Coach and Communication Skills Facilitator.
When running a workshop that involves presentation skills or self-branding, one thing I am always going to include is a piece on the human voice. VOICE POWER.?
Using the voice in communication (and presentation) is generally taken for granted. A kind of ‘this I how I speak - take it or leave it’ can be the dominant attitude. ?Often you want to say “I’ll leave it, thanks!” The human voice is designed to help you connect with others and get your point across, if you use it properly … which a lot of people don’t.
And it starts with breathing. Actually, it starts with de-stressing the upper body but we’ll assume that’s been done - the very next thing you need to do is learn how to breathe in such a way that your body is given the best chance for the voice to perform well.
A lot is written about breathing these days. In the latest Harvard Business Review, three researchers - Emma Seppala (PhD and Faculty Director?at Yale), Christina Bradley?(doctoral student at the Ross School of Business) and Michael R. Goldstein (PhD of Harvard Medical School) have written a paper entitled:
Research: Why breathing is so successful at reducing stress
At the University of Arizona, SKY Breath Meditation was compared to a workshop that taught more conventional, cognitive strategies for stress-management. ?Initially both workshops were rated similarly. However, SKY Breathing was more beneficial in terms of immediate impact on stress with these effects also lasting longer.
When participants underwent a simulation of presenting at a business meeting, the group from the cognitive workshop showed elevated breathing and heart rates, while the SKY Breathing group held steady in terms of?breathing and heart rate, suggesting the programme had instilled in them a buffer against the anxiety typically associated with the public presentation scenario. They were emotionally more positive and able to think clearly and perform the task at hand.
From a voice perspective there is another whole dynamic here. Breathing is the cushion to the voice and when strengthened through exercise, will not only help you control anxiety but will give your voice a new dimension in terms of control, projection and connection.
The secret is not only to breathe deeply (and find extra air when you need it – lower diaphragmatic breathing will help you do this) but also to control the outgoing breath as much as you can. If you fill your lungs with air, gently hold that air back for a few seconds and then exhale it through pursed lips (or on an ‘s’ sound) as slowly as you possibly can, you will find increased ability to control your breath which helps the control of your voice and of your nerves.
Breathing correctly for voice work is an absolute winner in developing your voice … and also helps you cope with nerves and anxiety; it’s the winning way all round!
Pictured: Chris Voysey, Voice Coach, teaching a group breathing techniques to strengthen voice and help dispel nerves. Contact Chris on [email protected] or telephone +27 78 7656623 for a Keynote or Workshop on VOICE POWER: Be Seen and Be Heard.
Co-founder @AET AFRICA, Entrepreneur, Multi Award Winning Cleantech Innovator, Global Advisory board @GCIP. Global seminar speaker & consultant on cleantech innovation & energy efficiency
2 年Thanks for sharing, it's one thing I have to constantly work on as I have a tendency to speak fast and sometimes forget to breathe. At times I manage but there are moments i struggle