There was a time in our cities and towns, when AIR Pollution was at its lowest and people did not mind too much about the air they were breathing. However, towards the late 20th century and beyond the Environment changed round, and people started to focus more on what was happening to their health and the Reports on concerns about the Environment. Now, Air Pollution is a real fact, as will be shown in this video. Please do watch it and see for yourself how much there is in our homes and outside.You can contact me on [email protected] or call me on 02393787463, for more details.Please note that the video may fail to appear and this will mean saving it on HD and bring it to your attention as soon as possible. In the last few weeks or so, the Children have spear-headed the Environment Agenda. They are worried of their future, if Governments all round the World do nothing about the ways the World is polluted by various means such as car fumes, the use of coal for fuel etc.etc. The logical thing about Air Filter Purification System, is the fact that there is more hazardous pollution in-doors than outside. We also spend more time in-doors than outside. Click here and watch the video https://youtube/4g.
Recent news in the Daily News Papers have reported extreme climate change both here in UK and more especially in the US and Canada. A tourist from West Indies to Canada, commented about how hot Canada was, when he was there. He said even him, used to the hot climate, felt the extraordinary heat in Canada. The question we should ask ourselves is this: Is the Climate changing for the worse or better. If your answer is the former, I.e. for the Worse; then you better be more careful and start to arm yourself with the right tools to combat climate change.