AIPMA Decided to Zig When Others Zag
AIP Marketing Alliance (AIPMA)
AIPMA supports independent wholesalers & agents wanting to grow their business through life insurance and annuities.
Have you ever heard of the phrase to “zig when others zag?” The philosophy comes from the word “zigzag,” which means the first turn a zigzag line makes is a zig, and the second is called a zag. It also means when everyone is telling you to go one way, take that as a sure sign you need to find another way to solve a problem or go in a more positive direction.
In this week’s LinkedIn newsletter, AIP Marketing Alliance recently did the opposite after zigzagging our way to Integrity Marketing’s corporate headquarters. President Rick Kisser and Vice President of Marketing Darron Markwood took some time to Zig vs. Zag as we attended the 2023 Integrity Leadership Academy in Dallas, Texas, to learn more about how the Zig provides a fresh coaching model to the zag.
By Zig, we mean Tom Ziglar, CEO of Zig Ziglar Corporation, as Tom and his team provided coaching ideas, self-improvement, and management techniques designed to assist Integrity’s strategic partners in strengthening Integrity’s leaders and building stronger cultures with a goal of improving all of our team members toward a common goal of success.
“At Integrity, the depth and breadth of our organization gives rise to natural leaders — individuals who have succeeded through their hard work coupled with strong core values,” said Bryan W. Adams, Co-Founder and CEO of Integrity. “The Integrity Leadership Academy offers our team members the transformational opportunity to refine these skills by becoming effective Coach Leaders who can bring out the best in those they serve. True leaders recognize the abilities of others and are eager to help those around them succeed. The Integrity Leadership Academy gives our leaders the mindset and platform to unleash the full potential of their teams while creating a common leadership language across our entire platform. This industry-leading program will impact not just the career goals of Integrity’s leaders, but every aspect of their lives!”
During the three-day event, Rick and Darron learned how coaching and leadership start with our personal “why” and how to get started toward answering that question through self-assessments, including the Disc Behavior Style and Wheel of Life. Tom also discussed how using the STICKY method is a great way to attack challenges and allow everyone’s voice to be heard.
You can learn more about the second session of the Integrity Leadership Academy by visiting AIPMA’s blog and seeing some of the highlights, including a message from Rick Kisser about Zig Ziglar’s impact on his family. You’ll also see a few photos as Integrity mixed streamlined training sessions with some fun entertainment.
“Speaking on behalf of Rick and I, the Integrity Leadership Academy truly shows how the #integrityeffect has grown AIP Marketing Alliance and positively impacts our team in so many ways,” Markwood said. “You feel comfortable walking up to any Integrity executive or strategic partner and having conversations that can benefit all of us as a whole. I personally want to thank everyone for taking the time to introduce themselves, talk about our businesses, and how we can work together down the road to help each other.”
“I also would like to thank Tom Ziglar for some one-on-one time with both Rick and me during the conference, as we appreciate him and his team for laying the foundation for some coaching philosophies that we hope to implement at AIPMA going forward. We feel the Zig training will provide a straight direction that aligns with Integrity Marketing where we won’t have to zag anytime soon.”
If you would like to learn more about Ziglar, you can visit or follow them on most social media platforms. You also can learn more about the Integrity Leadership Academy by visiting Integrity’s blog.