If it ain’t broke…
Two schools of thought come to mind as soon as someone starts saying those words.
…don’t fix it!
…break it!
When the going is good, it’s only natural to keep going…after all, why ruin a good thing right?
Tiger Woods changed his swing more times than most and has the record to prove it. His first major swing change came after winning the Masters by 12 shots, the biggest winning margin in history of a major…and he made changes. Some thought he was mad. History tells a different story.
For the All Blacks (New Zealands famous rugby team) have it wired into their DNA to break it at it’s peak. In James Kerr’s book Legacy he states:
“when you are on top of your game, change your game.”
Perhaps this is why they are the winningest team in sports history?
He goes on to say:
“organizational decline is inevitable, unless leaders prepare for change, even when they are on the cusp of success”
Growth is good…you can keep growing and being more of who you are and what you do for more people. I get it.
However, in this crazy arse world we live in today, that’s barely a survival strategy, and definitely not one that will help you thrive into the future.
Evolution, the steady progressive increasing of your capabilities and your capacity for greatness is what will allow you to thrive, to evolve and stay relevant.
This is how you stay at the top of your game…consistently. This is how you become a dynasty.
You have to have the courage to act in advance. This takes insight.
One of our core values at Circle Leadership is #INSIGHT which is to anticipate and act in advance.
So if it ain’t broke, question it. Challenge it. And perhaps even break it and rebuild something better…or perhaps different!
Start the process of unlearning and learning over and over.
Make it part of your business’s DNA.
People may think your crazy, but we all know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a new result.
So who’s the real crazy ones?
Dave Clare, CEO & Founder - Circle Leadership
If you want to learn more about how to have your best year ever, please reach out to us to have a discovery call:
Are you going NEXT LEVEL?
Regress or Regroup?
Breakdown or Breakthrough?
“I can’t believe this is happening to me”, or
“I appreciate this contrast because I understand that it’s happening for me.”?
Walking through the valley of the shadow of Tuppaware containers with no lids, or
A dark night of the soul spiritual awakening?
Depending on your level of esoterism, skepticism, how much you’ve rummaged through my Mum’s plastics cupboard and how much of Tolle’s work you’ve studied, maybe you’ve experienced and can resonate with all of the above, some of them or none at all.
It might have been in business, finances, relationships, health, fitness, family, career... either all of them, some of them, or none at all.
Maybe it was in all of them all at the same time, just some of them, or even just one of them... but I think I’d be hard pressed to find someone who has never had a challenge in any area of their lives.
Even if they love challenges, thrive and get off on them... they’re still challenges nonetheless.
Which brings me to my point:
Is it possible, that whatever we might be going through in life right now, a simple perspective CHOICE is all it takes for it to be either a positive or negative experience for us?
Whether something is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for us?
Is it possible that what once was good for us might not serve us in the highest order moving forward?
“What got you here won’t get you there”
-?Marshall Goldsmith
And in order to go to the next level, that which brought us here might get a little shaken up in order to be considered, fortified or maybe let go of altogether to make way for the next big evolution?
Is it possible that as humans we have gotten addicted to wanting to feel ‘good’ ALL of the time, and if something is less than that, it’s therefore ‘wrong’?
From what I’ve heard, running a marathon doesn’t feel that good, nor the training... and the pain continues long after the event has finished – but what a positive experience!?Why else would people do 4, 5, sometimes more a year??(I’ve only done 1 x ? marathon so massive respect to all my marathoners out there!)
Similarly, squats aren’t exactly orgasmic, but doing them means that I get to eat more cake for breakfast than if I didn’t do them so... that’s pretty frikken sweet, is it not?
(Also, just on that, cake to icing ratio is super important.?Dave Clare would argue 50:50).
So if you’re feeling a little like your world is crumbling around you at the moment, try not to get discouraged...
What if you could get excited?
What if you did a little dance like something mega cool was about to be revealed?
Even if it wasn’t, at least you’d feel better for 5 seconds... or positively impact the people around you who are now giggling at you, and isn’t that a cool thing?
Remember, the darkest room holds the most capacity for light.
There’s not always a light at the end of a tunnel... because you might not be in a tunnel.?You might be in a dark room... just one inch away from the light switch.
Everything eventually makes sense in hindsight.
And when the light is on ??
Lisa Ferguson, Leadership Coach at Circle Leadership
We’ve been working with organisations just like you for over 25 years and have consistently been able to sustainably evolve businesses and the people who lead them to scale larger than they ever have before to stay relevant in the hearts and minds of the people they serve.
So why do we call this our Best Year Ever Workshop, you wonder?
Because when you’re done with this workshop, you’ll have all the tools you need to literally make this year, your best year ever.
You will walk away with?HOW TO?steadily and progressively increase your capabilities and your capacity for greatness, so you can:
Where most workshops get you working on the business, instead of in it, we will get you working out of your business!
...don't fix it, right?
What if it didn't break and you didn't have to fix it?
In life and business, is it possible to get out ahead of the 'game' and continue to evolve and stay relevant when you're kicking goals, instead of waiting for something to force your hand?
What if changes occurred in organisations proactively during peak seasons, instead of 'reacting' at breaking point?
Join Dave and Lisa together again LIVE from the Gold Coast streaming all across the globe, where we discuss why flatlining in business may mean impending doom, and paradoxically how a decline could actually indicate signs of life.
Please see above...you get the point.
Ideally, this?#newsletter?is for you. Yeah, we might share the odd humble brag, but its intent is to add value and inspire more purpose-driven leadership worldwide. If you have a question on a relevant leadership, culture, or strategy topic, please ask and we will provide our insights.