AI,ML,DL-Overview:Keeping it simple...
Kedar Degaonkar
Associate Principal/ Director (Q-ACE) -Driving Strategic Programs, Service Delivery & Client Mgmt.; Innovation & Solutioning; BD & Presales; P&L; TCOE-Practice Initiatives & Ops.; Digital & Quality Transformation in BFSI
01. How are they related ?
AI is the super set. ML is the sub set of AI. DL is the subset of ML.
02. AI (Artificial Intelligence):
a. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI):
- AI that we are using now
- AI which is not equipped without Self Awareness, Emotional Intelligence
- AI which still needs Human assistance, towards it’s working
b. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI):
- AI that we are not using now
- AI which will be equipped with Self Awareness, Emotional Intelligence
- AI which will require minimal Human assistance, towards it’s working
c. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI):
- AI that we are not using now
- AI which will be equipped with Self Awareness, Emotional & all Intelligence which Humans do
- AI which will require no Human assistance, towards it’s working and it will supersede Humans in all aspects
03. ML (Machine Learning):
a. ML usage: It’s used for processing of Limited amount of Data; Simple & Medium scale Problems.
b. For ML Model(s) to work: Model(s) work based on their training with Features of Object(s) called Training Data, and with help of Algorithm(s).
c. Supporting Elements in getting a ML Model ready:
- Training Data (Features of Object(s)) (involves Data Gathering, Cleaning, Exploratory Data Analysis)
- Algorithm
- Model = Training Data + Algorithm
- Predictor Variable(s)
- Response Variable(s)
- Model Testing Data
d. Type of Problems, ML solves:
- Regression: It's also called 'Continuous Quantity'. Objective: To Forecast/ Predict. E.g: Stock Price. Algorithm used: Linear
- Classification: It's also called 'Categorical Quantity'. Objective: To Categorize. E.g: Emails into Spam or Non-Spam folders in Gmail. Algorithms used: Logistic, Decision Tree, Random Forest (Multiple Decision Trees), Naive Bayes (Based on Objects and it's Features), KNN (Nearest Neighbor), SVM (Support Vector Machines)
- Clustering: Objective: To Group. E.g: Grouping of transactions which are fraudulent in nature. Algorithm used: K-Means (where K means no. of Clusters/ Groups we need to form)
e. Types of ML:
- Supervised Learning: Used for solving Regression & Classification Problems. Here the Model is trained using Labelled Data Sets.
- Unsupervised Learning: Used for solving Clustering Problem. Here the Model trains itself by studying Unlabeled Data Sets & Self Grouping.
- Reinforcement Learning: Here an Agent is placed in an Environment, which learns Data by itself – by performing Actions and discovers Errors or Rewards
04. DL (Deep Learning):
a. DL usage: It’s used for processing of Huge Amount of & High Dimensional Data; Complex Problems & Image, Handwriting, Object Recognition.
b. For DL Model(s) to work: Model(s) work based on automatically created Features of Object(s), and with help of Algorithm(s).
c. Types of DL/ ANN (Artificial Neural Network):
- Single Layer - Node/ Neuron/ Perceptron, which has following Elements:
- Input Signals (X1, X2, Xn...) with their respective Value/ Weights (W1, W2, Wn...), sends it's input to Weighted Sum.
- Weighted Sum = X1*W1+X2*W2+Xn*Wn, sends it's input to Activation Function.
- Activation Function, finally calculates the Output Value
2. Multi Layer - Node/ Neuron/ Perceptron: In here, we have multiple Nodes like above - distributed across Inputs Layers, Hidden Layers & Output Lawyers. Wherein out of Nodes from Input Layer travels thru Nodes in Hidden Layer to finally the Nodes in Output Layers -- which then generate the End Result/ Final Output. Note:: We can have single or Multiple Hidden Layers. E.g below:
Following are type of Multi Layer - Nodes/ Neuron/ Perceptron:
- FFN (Feed Forward Network): In here, Previous Output has no relation to the Next Output.
- FBN (Feed Back/ Back propagation Network): In here, we use the Gradient Descent Method, by adjusting the Weights several times/ iterations - to minimize Error/ Loss and to come to the desired Output. E.g below:
- RNN (Recurrent Neuron Network): In here, Previous Output decides Next Output. Which is exactly opposite to FFN (Feed Forward Network).
This concludes a quick overview of AI, Ml, DL.
Hope you liked it. Do share your comments...
Actually - Each topic above, is a vast ocean in itself and there are numerous Books, Articles, Blogs, Posts - being written on it almost daily - and they are interesting to read & learn ! Man kind is still exploring these areas daily to see it's true potential and coming up with new Algorithms & Models. But indeed, it's a Game Changer and is going to drastically Transform the World & the way Humans live their Daily Routine - in years to come.
So let's stay tuned and keep Exploring, keep Learning :).