Aim so high that others can't catch you
Divyansh Gunjan
Host: The Whimper Podcast ? QubitxQubit Scholar(100% Scholarship) ? YLAC YRSI '23 ? Mech. Design Intern @STAR ? LFC '23 ? STEM Outreach ? Democratizing Space
What does it mean to aim high?
To aim high does not mean to aim higher than others. To aim high is to have a goal so difficult and big to achieve concerning what you are today. I wrote an article previously talking about why everything is relative and absolutism is pretty much non-existent if you think about it. Let's try to understand this using a few examples. If you come from a relatively poor background, lived your life below the basic means, and didn't have much to spend, something that brings in eventually a lot of money and financial strength disregarding other factors could be something that you desire. Moving on, if you didn't have money bothering you, you could be someone who wants freedom. Freedom to travel, be whatever you want to be, stay wherever you want to stay, and buy whatever you want to buy. If you are already in that position, maybe some good power that comes with money and freedom could help, like fame, status, political and influential power, authority, etc., and then, whatever goes above...
What I meant was aiming high means aiming at something greater and bigger and naturally, better than what you are or have today.
Why aim high?
Not a very difficult question to answer for me, but I guess a fraction of the readers and people, in general, might not know. Not everybody I've met or seen has a positive growth curve and is aimed at moving forward in general. But, here's the thing, why not? Why not aim high? Why not get something productive done with yourself? Why not be purposeful and be of utility? You don't want to be, or should be a liability. You ought to be an asset to society. Someone, who does more good than bad. The biggest reason why drug abuse, crime, and corruptions exist and even increase overall in some places is because people feel purposeless in life. They have no aim. No target to hit. And hence, if you don't want to get into a condition so worse that you can't get yourself back up, aim high.
How to aim high?
Talking about the practical use cases, one needs to have a high level of observational and analytical skills to align to a positive growth curve path. By analyzing what you do, what you are, and what you have in the present. Then knowing what you want. In addition to that, you also need to know what makes you happy and drives you no matter what, so much so that you can't stop thinking about it and even passively it is in your mind even when you are supposed to focus on something else. What that does as to what I learned from Steve Jobs is it makes you dramatic and emotional about achieving that goal. Whenever you feel like not doing it, it pops up in your front and tells you the reason you started it. Although this newsletter tries to represent a lot of rationality, any rational person can't do it, because it's too hard.
Others shouldn't catch you
You might have heard of this common phrase, "We are all running different races. Some a sprint, some a marathon." Something like that, and what you need to know is the path you're moving on, provided that you have a plan. Maybe you've set yourself up to be different from the crowd and maybe not. But, you should know your identity. Knowing who you are is one of the most important forms of freedom. Talking about how to not let others catch is a tricky thing. It happens in two ways in my observation:
1.?Obviousness: You keep it very open and obvious in your actions to let others know if you're focused or directionless and unproductive. If you are studious and perform well in class and tests held at your school or college, it makes it highly obvious for others to know what path your foot is on.
2.?Stealth/Confusion: My parents don't know what I want in my life. I do. And it is the same with almost every other person around me. I do not perform well in class even though I'm doing well in my tuition and scoring well, understanding the concepts, and doing well enough. I have created the impression of someone highly unproductive, spoilt, and purposeless to some people whereas, I can also make others admire me for what I can do. And, I have done that.
Most probably, because the established system is just not very supportive of the round pegs in the square holes.
So, it also depends if you want to choose to let the people who you feel to be appropriate to tell know your goals and vice versa, to not let others who you feel should not know.