Akash Karnwal
BTech - Bachelor of Technology at GL Bajaj Institute of Technology and Management
Make your life an aesthetic experience. Not much is needed to make it an aesthetic experience, just an aesthetic consciousness, a sensitive soul. Become more sensitive, more sensuous, and you will become more spiritual.
Priests have almost poisoned your body into a state of death. You are moving on crutches. Throw away all those crutches! Even if you have to fall and crawl on the ground, that is better than clinging to crutches.
Experience life in all possible ways - good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don’t be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become. Search for all possible alternatives, move in all directions, be a wanderer, a vagabond of the world of life and existence. And don’t miss any opportunity to live.
Don’t Look Back
Don’t look back. Only fools think of the past - fools who do not have the intelligence to live in the present. And only fools imagine about the future, because they don’t have the courage to live in the present. Forget the past, forget the future, this moment is all.\
This moment has to become your prayer, your love, your life, your death, your everything. This is it.
Live courageously, don’t be a coward. Don’t think of consequences; only cowards think of consequences. Don’t be too result-oriented; people who are result-oriented miss life. Don’t think of goals, because goals are always in the future and far away, and life is here now, close by.
And don’t be too purposive. Let me repeat it: don’t be too purposive. Don’t always bring in the idea, “What is the purpose of it?” because that is a strategy created by your enemies, by the enemies of humanity, to poison your very source of life. Ask the question, “What is the purpose of it?” and everything becomes meaningless.
What Is The Purpose?
It is early morning, the sun is rising and the east is red with the sun, and the birds are singing and the trees are waking up, and it is all joy. It is a rejoicing, a new day has happened again. And you are standing there asking the question, “What is the purpose of it?” You miss, you miss it totally. You are simply disconnected.You fall in love with a woman and ask the question, “What is the purpose of it?” You are holding the hand of your beloved or your friend, and asking the question, “What is the purpose of it?” And you may still be holding hands, but now life has disappeared, your hand is dead.
Life Is A Love Affair
Raise the question, “What is the purpose?” and everything is destroyed. Let me tell you, there is no purpose in life. Life is its own purpose; it is not a means to some end, it is an end unto itself.
The bird on the wing, the rose in the wind, the sun rising in the morning, the stars in the night, a man falling in love with a woman, a child playing on the street...there is no purpose. Life is simply enjoying itself, delighting in itself. Energy is overflowing, dancing, for no purpose at all. It is not a performance, it is not a business. Life is a love affair; it is poetry, it is music…
The whole existence is nonphilosophical. If you are philosophical, then a gap arises between you and existence. Existence simply is, for no purpose….If you start living without any purpose, with intensity, totality, love and trust, when death comes, you will know how to die - because death is not the end of life, but only an episode in life.…If you have known other things, if you have lived other things, you will be able to live death too. The real man of understanding lives his death as much as he lives his life, with the same intensity, with the same thrill.