AIEA releases standards for Senior International Officers in HigherEd
The Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA) released Standards of Professional Practice for International Education Leaders and Senior International Officers. It provides an important framework and a language to express expectations of competencies from leaders responsible for sharing internationalization of higher education.
AIEA also uses the term Senior International Officers or SIOs "to describe individuals within an institution of higher education who are charged with leading and facilitating its internationalization efforts."
The document notes "It is hoped that the standards will help current SIOs identify gaps in practice they would like to fill; serve as a guide for aspiring SIOs as they gain the knowledge, skills and experience needed to become SIOs; and help institutions and organizations appointing SIOs to craft position descriptions, and conduct searches."
The document outlines 22 standards across four major dimensions:
- Internationalization Expertise
- Leadership and Management
- Advocacy (Working Through and With Others)
- Personal Effectiveness