AIDT - AI Driven Testing
Freddy Vega
GenAI Quality Engineering at Wolters Kluwer - Advanced Technology | Leader of Software & Hardware Quality Assurance
Today, I'm coining a new term: "AI Driven Testing" (AIDT).
This story is totally fictional, and any resemblance to real-life characters is 100% coincidental. It is meant to illustrate at a high level what AI Driven Testing means in the context of product software development.
In the beginning, there was Jimmy
Once, there was a software tester named Jimmy. Jimmy had been in the industry for over three decades and was known for his meticulous and thorough testing methods. He had a traditional approach to software testing, relying heavily on manual testing techniques and resisting the integration of new technologies.
As the tech world evolved, Jimmy's company began to embrace cutting-edge technologies, including AI, to enhance its software testing processes as well as the services it offered. The company brought in a team of new, technically savvy testers who were well-versed in leveraging AI for automated testing, data analysis, and even predictive bug tracking. These new testers were enthusiastic about using AI to increase efficiency and accuracy.
Skepticism sets in
Initially, Jimmy was skeptical about the use of AI in testing. He believed that his years of experience and manual testing skills were irreplaceable and that AI could never match the intuition and depth of understanding that a human tester brings; somewhat true, to an extent. However, as time went on, it became increasingly clear that AI was transforming the testing landscape. The AI-driven testing methods were faster and more efficient in identifying complex bugs and patterns that were sometimes missed in non-AI-assisted human-driven testing.
AI shows promise
The company's management started noticing the significant improvements in testing efficiency and accuracy brought about by AI. They began encouraging all testers, including Jimmy, to upskill and adapt to these new technologies. Training sessions were organized, and resources were provided to help the existing staff integrate these new tools into their workflow.
Despite these opportunities, Jimmy remained resistant to change. He felt overwhelmed and out of place amidst the rapidly evolving tech landscape. The new AI tools seemed complex and intimidating, and Jimmy was hesitant to step out of his comfort zone.
As the company continued to progress, the gap between Jimmy's traditional methods and the new AI-driven testing approaches widened. Projects requiring advanced testing techniques were increasingly assigned to the AI-savvy testers, and Jimmy was frequently sidelined. The efficiency and accuracy brought by AI in software testing were undeniable, and it became clear that not adapting to these changes was not an option in the competitive tech industry.
Skepticism turns into denial
Eventually, Jimmy's reluctance to embrace new technologies led to his replacement by testers who were more adaptable and proficient with AI-driven testing. This marked a significant shift in the company's approach to software testing, highlighting the importance of staying current with technological advancements.
From denial to elimination - Conclusion
Jimmy's story serves as a reminder that in the fast-paced world of technology, adaptability, and continuous learning are crucial. It underscores the transformative impact of AI in various fields, including software testing, and the necessity for professionals to evolve alongside technological advancements to remain relevant and effective in their roles.
Moral of the story
Don't be a Jimmy!
Test Specialist at L&T Technology Services Limited
9 个月True , change is the future.
Co-Founder at Reflect
9 个月I've been using the term "AI enabled" but "AI driven" may be better. "AI Driven" indicates to me that the AI is active participant in the effort of testing vs the term "AI enabled". Plus it's close to "driver", which obviously is something that automation folks are familiar with.