AIDS Got Its Name from Transplants
By Mike Byrne
A pathologist at the once respected Center for Disease Control informed me in the early 1980’s that when AIDS patients first appeared and were autopsied they looked exactly like transplant patients.
Immune suppression is induced in transplant patients to prevent tissue rejection while HIV victims suffered the effects of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
Yet transplants are quite a big business still today and its practitioners are well regarded.
There was a science fiction novel called, “Coma,” written by Robin Cook which was published in 1977.? The plot described unscrupulous hospitals putting healthy people in medical comas so their organs can be harvested for transplant procedures.
A pediatrics professor at Yale informed me in the early 1980’s that the plot of that novel might actually be happening at some hospitals in the country.
A journalist once told me she was investigating hospitals in the Los Angeles area in the 1980’s for harvesting organs from the homeless for transplants. She couldn’t find proof of the allegations but circumstantial evidence was strong.
A physician in Washington, D.C. area in the early 1980’s tried to start a business in which poor people in impoverished countries, like India, could voluntarily sell their organs for thousands of dollars, which to them would seem a fortune.
There was some morality at the time and his business plan never materialized. Times change and I don’t know if there are businesses like that now.
In learning about sex trafficking of children, authorities state that when the children are no longer viable sex partners, their organs are harvested for transplants.
There are plenty of people with money who wanted to prolong their lives or improve the quality of their lives and believe transplants are the way to go.
A good percentage of heart transplant patients are dead with five years, and most within 10 years. How good those years are depends on other factors. There is a lot of medicine to take, and lot of after care and hospital stays.
And you wind up like an AIDS patient in the end.
They used to say, Ain't Science Grand. No, it's more like trillions.