Assuming you’re interested in your career and want to know what the latest trends are, some recent research may be helpful in your planning. Here are some major points:
·?????? Currently, most changes in the broad category of artificial intelligence impacting your work, is focused on certain tasks within the job, and not the job itself.
·?????? In 2022, less than 1% were asking for AI skills in job openings
·?????? In 2023, only about 2% of job postings asked for AI skills
·?????? By the end of 2024, more than 25% were asking for some skills or experiences in AI
·?????? The projections are that by the end of 2025, up to 40% or 50% will be asking for some level of AI skills or experiences.
·?????? The demand for AI skills is spreading to a broader set of occupations, industries, and local labor markets.
·?????? The leading sectors using artificial intelligence seems to be in finance, healthcare, retail and manufacturing (which includes engineering, logistics and warehousing).
·?????? Companies want to leverage new technologies to impact productivity and innovation.
·?????? While most headlines are directed at professionals who can create, design and implement artificial intelligence, most employers today are looking for those who have the skills and experiences to use the technology, not build them.
·?????? Hiring managers seek employees who are familiar with some of the basic AI tools and concepts, can effectively work alongside AI systems, and utilize this knowledge to enhance operational efficiency.
·?????? There’s a recognized skill gap between what organizations are going to need, versus the current skills of their employees.? Organizations are investing in training programs for current employees while recruiting new hires to fill in the gaps.
There’s a clear trend that future employees must have a growing degree of knowledge about artificial intelligence, some skill in using it, and an interest in learning more.? If you don’t have a curiosity about artificial intelligence, how it works, along with an ability to effectively use it, then you’re well behind the curve. ?In this competitive world, with a transformational event about to occur which will affect your future, it’s best to be in front of the transition, not behind.
·?????? With the trends and demands for AI skills, the expectations for employees to have knowledge and experience in this area will only grow.
·?????? If you’re not getting proper new-skills training in technology, get it yourself with either self-taught programs on-line or local courses, then seek another job.? If your company doesn’t prepare you for the future, find one who will.? You can’t afford to fall behind.
·?????? Internal employees who either keep up with the technology demands or develop the skills in advance, will progress in their careers faster than those who are playing catch-up.
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