AI Uses in A Smart City – Best AI Use Cases for Smart City Creation, Planning & Management

AI Uses in A Smart City – Best AI Use Cases for Smart City Creation, Planning & Management

Truly smart cities at the future and they are differently going to be a reality in the next few decades. There are a lot of misconceptions regarding smart cities because people think they already exist.

Yes, cities have smart technologies implemented deep into their structure but that does not make them truly smart cities. You can only call a city truly smart when you can implement AI throughout the entire structure and operations and even the planning and management of that city.

This includes Artificial Intelligence (AI) for planning and maintaining the city's electrification as well as AI for automated parking management and even AI for waste management.

This kind of city has to be a collection of smart technologies and smart sensors in the form of deep IoT integration along with 5G or higher levels of connectivity.

This is a fascinating topic simply because every major city out there is investing in Smart City technology and some cities have even gotten very close to truly becoming smart.


As you can see in the list, we have the names of some of the most technologically developed cities in the world with Singapore being the number one city that is closest to truly being a smart City.

It is important to understand what makes a city smart and in order to do that it is quite a good exercise to observe cities like Singapore.

So, before we get into all the areas of AI implementation in smart cities, let us look at Singapore and learn how a city transitions into being a truly smart city.

Singapore Will Be the First Truly Smart City

We are talking about cities like Singapore, experts can and do argue that it is already a smart city but we would like to redefine what is a smart city. When we say a truly smart city, we mean a city where all its operational aspects are managed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) along with the integration of Big Data.

While Singapore has not reached that level of AI implementation, it is certainly going to be the first one because it is way ahead of any other city out there.


Singapore especially is an excellent case study in order to understand the current smart City criteria as well as understand the areas in which there needs to be improvement.

This is why Singapore is considered a smart city.

- Singapore has excellent mobility with the Land Transit Authority (LTA) even experimenting with autonomous vehicles in an area that covers the entire Western Singapore.


- Singapore has excellent health care with AI chatbots specially created for the elderly.

- More than 90% of all Singaporeans own a smartphone?and this means an amazing level of functionality with the help of apps that the government actively encourages, especially with the Smart Nation App.

- The land mass of Singapore is not really that big when you consider the population of that city and that is why Singapore’s housing board actually offers free public housing to every Singaporean. ?

While this is not related to technology but shows the aptitude of the government to solve problems with effective solutions making Singapore very well-suited to be the first truly smart city.

- Singapore is among the very few cities to actively invest in AI training which includes initiatives to train 12,000 industry professionals as well as students?at Artificial Intelligence (AI).

This is aimed at creating professionals who are ready to bring in the technological innovations that will lead Singapore to become an AI-powered Smart City.

- Singaporeans use what’s called the Singpass. This is a National Digital Identity Card that helps them access government programs. This ID is linked to the individual with the help of fingerprints as well as special recognition and this identification helps with everything from document signing to financial transactions.

- Singapore is also investing heavily in 5G connectivity which is enabling the implementation of IoT deeply into the city ecosystem and this is one of the most crucial requirements for any kind of AI smart city.

- The city also has the Smart Nation Sensor Platform. It is the funding towards a unified array of sensors that help in the tracking of water leakages and also facilitates drowning deduction systems at public pools with the help of computer vision. ?

Along with that this sensor platform also helps implement personal alert button systems for elderly people during emergencies. ?

This is also implemented in something as simple as smart lamp posts to save electricity as well as safe footpaths.


Singapore is just a few important steps away from becoming a truly smart city when it can integrate all the city operations from transport to housing as well as healthcare and security into a unified AI system.


However, it is still miles away from becoming a truly smart City unless it is able to implement AI in the form of ML and NLP as well as speech and vision recognition technology into its city operations and management architecture.

Let us now understand how AI can be utilised in smart cities.

AI Uses in Smart Cities

Data Privacy

One of the first prerequisites of an AI-powered smart city is definitely going to be data privacy because a smart city will have to deal with a lot of data traffic.

That can be in the form of 5G connectivity and it can also be in the form of knowledge sharing of different government organisations as well as private entities.

Knowledge Is power and the citizens of smart cities will be able to utilise data everywhere possible whether it is for booking government appointments to getting advanced warning alerts regarding risks in the city.

However, all that data utilisation is of no use if the data of the citizens is not safe. This level of advanced cyber security protocols and security over the numerous data points can only be achieved with AI.

AI can automate threat detection and can be the best option for threat prevention before any kind of data leak takes place. This can be achieved by an intelligent system that can secure the different connectivity nodes of all the IoT devices and much more.


However, one of the things that smart city planners need to work on is the trust level of the citizens when it comes to Artificial Intelligence (AI)

If the citizens are able to trust Artificial Intelligence (AI) properly then that can pave the way for excellent data security when it comes to smart cities.

Public Services and Safety

A city can only be called smart when all its public services at integrated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) enabling a very high efficiency of services.

When you talk about public services it includes everything from health services to emergency services as well as public safety nets for the protection of the vulnerable like children and the elderly.

Public services also include systems that utilise predictive analytics for analysing crime patterns as well as a response to those crime patterns with the help of better policing.

All that can be achieved when the entire city system is interconnected with each other with every IoT device and sensor sharing information with each other and smart algorithm processing everything for the benefit of the citizens.

This kind of system will ensure automated diversion of emergency services when devices and sensors detect fire or when surveillance cameras pick up smoke from building blocks and when two surveillance cameras can triangulate the distance of fires etc and notify emergency services.

The only requirement of such an intelligence system is the connection between multiple systems with the help of a conscious and intelligent algorithm.


This can very well be achieved with the implementation of AI along with an application layer of multiple domains of importance for that city as well as the integration of Big Data and IoT into that structure.

Universal Chatbots

Chatbots are going to be one of the most important elements for smart cities because these messaging bots will allow citizens to stay connected with the larger AI city management system.

This will allow citizens to not only book doctor appointments but also register complaints regarding utilities like water or gas or even request the authorities for the improvement of different kinds of facilities.

These universal chatbots will allow for the connectivity of the citizen with all important Government and private organisations in the entire city from food delivery services to emergency services and it will be the only AI assistant citizens will ever need in a smart city.


The global chatbot market size is growing exponentially as we speak and can very well accommodate smart utilisations in smart city management systems.

Smart ID Systems

If you have to count one thing that AI is excellent at then it is pattern recognition whether it is in images or data.

This ability of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the form of Gen AI can be utilised for the most advanced smart identification systems for these smart cities.

Smart cities are going to be very resource-intensive in the beginning and that is why it is important to protect the distribution of these smart resources among the citizens of the city.

It is also important for a smart city to verify its citizens without the need for any kind of conventional ID or documentation.

That is where we come to utilising artificial intelligence in order to ID citizens in a smart city.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used in tandem with OCR technology as well as computer vision and pattern recognition of Gen AI in addition to cameras and fingerprint readers as well as retina scanners for the most accurate kind of smart ID systems


The only thing that needs to be kept in mind is that a truly smart ID system is all about all the devices and all the sensors and all the tech being able to communicate with each other and thereby not staying in their individual silos.

Smart Mobility of Crowd and Parking

Traffic congestion is one of the biggest problems of regular metropolitan cities and it takes up a lot of time for its citizens thereby reducing the overall efficiency of the city.


That is why one of the most important aspects of a smart city is definitely urban mobility in the form of good transportation options.

These options can be in the form of buses but most importantly metro rail networks that connect all the important points of the city.

However, a lot of metropolitan cities already have metro networks but the problem with these networks is that they do not take into consideration factors based on present and future probable data such as traffic choke points etc.

This can be solved quite easily with AI city planning that will not only consider the existing traffic situations but will also be able to make predictive analyses about the future situation of the traffic after the setup of the metro networks.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the only solution when it comes to crowd control in smart cities as well as the assigning of parking spots for the citizens of the city.

The technology can then be integrated with transit mobility apps with integrated AI chatbots that will enable the mobility of citizens.

AI Waste Management


Waste management remains one of the most pressing issues of any city and can even lead to cities going to a standstill because of improper waste management.

That is why a smart city should have the best kind of waste management in the form of smart sewage systems with water leakage sensors as well as smart septic systems that detect overflow issues and automatically solve them.

Smart cities should be able to integrate sewage systems with waste treatment plants that are then integrated into power-generating stations.

If done properly and in an environmentally conscious way, the waste of the city can actually contribute to the city’s power grid thereby improving the efficiency of the city’s power.

This can very well with done with AI as algorithms can be created that monitor multiple sensors and are able to open and close waste valves and monitor waste storage facilities for the proper management of waste.

Automated City Planning

Urban planning should always be in the mind of the city authorities when it comes to a smart city because every smart city is going to attract a lot of population.

This can be completely devasting if not managed properly and it can even halt the progress of the smart city and that is why smart urban planning is needed in this situation.

Urban planners can therefore utilise multiple advanced AI tools in order to do smart city planning so that they can factor in every element of the city.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is so important in this regard simply because regular systems are never able to predict the future in the form of probability calculations but Artificial Intelligence (AI) can easily solve that issue.


AI-trained urban planners can now simply use advanced tools like Sidewalk Labs Delve?in order to create city plans while keeping various important factors into consideration.


These tools will now allow urban planners to create city plans that keep everything into consideration like parking areas and much more.

City planners can also collaborate with AI-trained architects that utilise tools like Autodesk’s Generative Design?in order to create architectural designs that fit in perfectly with the city planning thereby ensuring peak efficiency.


AI Disaster Management

Artificial intelligence (AI) has amazing potential when it comes to disaster management?because AI is able to act on the four important pillars of disaster management.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be utilised in the form of mitigation by planning out measures that can be taken before any disaster can take place. We are talking about man-made disasters as well as natural disasters.

This is because Artificial Intelligence (AI) is able to analyse a vast amount of data in order to predict elements of disaster before they occur. This will then help in the preparation for the disaster if the disaster cannot be stopped.

We then move on to the response after any disaster has taken place because that kind of triage disaster response system is only possible when all the smart elements of the city are united into a single conscious and intelligent algorithm.

This then can be utilised in the recovery process for the city minimising human life damages and property damages in the process.


Disasters such as natural disasters can have a huge toll on the entire global economy but smart cities can pave the way for the reduction of economic damages.

This model can then be replicated in smart towns and smart villages and if you continue on this track of AI utilisation then we can even upgrade the type of our civilization.

AI-based Utilities and Metering

One of the biggest contributing factors for a city to become a smart city is smart resource management and utility management.

When you have to run a city, you need to consider all the energy requirements of the city including water and gas as well as electricity and other fuels consumed by the city.

However, the analysis of such large data sets is practically impossible for cities without a smart algorithm that can plan out the demand and supply of these resources to minimise efficiency loss.

This can only be possible with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which can improve the efficiency of things like grid runtimes as well as the automatic management of the city water storage pumps.

It can also regulate oil and gas supply and all these factors not only reduce the cost of living for the citizens but also help in the conservation of utilities.

This is not only excellent from an economic standpoint of a smart city which has to utilise all resources diligently but it is also excellent in terms of the environmental impact.


Energy resource management is so important to the operation of smart cities and it is so computationally intensive, because of the level of processing, that according to studies?it represents at least 10% of the AI utilisation and deployment in smart cities.

We hope this blog helps you understand how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can have a positive impact in the creation of truly smart cities and the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is quite possible on the scale of a full-sized metropolitan city.

If you are someone who is deeply involved in city planning as well as city administration or if you are someone who is responsible for the management of a business and you want to integrate AI for operations automation then we are here for you.

We are Think To Share IT solutions and we are one of the pioneers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) implementation when it comes to the integration of AI and ML as well as Big Data for multiple industries and domains as well as businesses in diverse markets.

We will help you with business growth as well as exponential business efficiency improvements and we welcome you to visit our website and check out everything we do.



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