AI trust issue is permanent

AI trust issue is permanent

?? With tens of billions invested in AI last year and leading players such as OpenAI looking for trillions more, the tech industry is racing to add to the pileup of generative AI models. The goal is to steadily demonstrate better performance and, in doing so, close the gap between what humans can do and what can be accomplished with AI.

If AI is adopted widely, will humans trust a machine to do a job that otherwise would have been entrusted to qualified humans?

?? According to the Federal Trade Commission, consumers are voicing concerns about AI, while businesses are worried about several near to long-term issues. Few issues such as misinformation, safety and security, ethical concerns, instability, Bias, and Hallucinations in LLMs (Legality, healthcare etc).

?? On the productivity front, McKinsey has projected an optimistic high of 3.3% a year by 2040 due to the use of generative AI. Former Google CEO, Eric Schmidt expects that AI will double everyone’s productivity. U.S. Federal Reserve chair, Jerome Powell, is more measured about predicting AI’s productivity impact and expects little change in the short run.

?? Currently, the focus is on training AI models to become more like us. Let’s not forget that we must also train the humans. They must learn to recognise what causes the AI trust deficit, accept that it will remain, and understand how best to step in to fill the void.

Artificial Intelligence #Security #Trust #LLMs

Sunny Suri ????

Business Development | CXO Relationships | Elevating Business | Sales Leader | Solution Selling (Genesys, Avaya, Alvaria, Cisco, CSI) | Ex-Exotel & Ameyo | Ex-HDB Financial | Ex-Snapdeal

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