AI Technology Could Become a Crucial Part of the Recruitment Process in the Next Few Years
AI systems have started to get employed by businesses to increase the efficiency of modern hiring practices.

AI Technology Could Become a Crucial Part of the Recruitment Process in the Next Few Years

In the past decade or so, there have been several different technological advancements made which continue to have an impact on the way we live our lives in both a personal and professional sense. One of the largest areas of improvement has been seen in the development of artificial intelligence, which is now being implemented in the likes of gaming, business and most importantly, recruitment.

The process of talent acquisition is one that has started to see the benefits of implementing artificial intelligence. AI systems have started to get employed by businesses to speed up, smooth over and increase the efficiency of modern hiring practices.

What Actually is Artificial Intelligence?

You will more than likely have heard of artificial intelligence before but what does it mean? We hear about it being used in war, in chess games against world champions and as a means of creating self-driving cars but at its very core, what is it?

AI technology is a very specific area of computer science which refers to the newfound ability of machines being able to operate in a way like humans. Machines will basically start to simulate human intelligence, meaning they can adapt and learn in the same way we can.

They would not adapt and learn in the same way; their method would actually be much more advanced given they could apply this human learning to a much larger pool of data. This is down to the fact that these machines can retain a lot more information than our comparatively small human brains can.

How Can Artificial Intelligence Benefit Society?

There are a few different ways that artificial intelligence is going to benefit society, in fact, how it can do so are endless. Because of all the exciting things that AI has the potential of doing such as creating self-driving cars, we don’t hear about the more practical implications it is already having within our day-to-day lives.

Machine learning is going to apply to the business world in a few different ways both in how work is carried out, how businesses are run and how staff are taken on by organisations. This article will consider the latter, as by using artificial intelligence in the process of recruiting employees, employers are able to take computer retained data and then convert it into actionable information.

How Is Artificial Intelligence Going to Benefit the Recruitment Process?

It’s no surprise that employers and recruitment agencies have begun adopting ai systems into their processes thanks to the number of benefits that come with doing so. When deep learning algorithms are used in recruitment, the process becomes quicker, a lot more thorough, simpler, and efficient.

Following research, it was revealed that a total number of 96% of HR Managers believe that AI is going to be a benefit to organisations talent acquisition. These are very promising numbers when it comes to artificial intelligence development as not only do they show how such technology can work in theory but also that it is already endorsed by professionals within the industry.

One of the largest issues that a lot of businesses have faced in recent years is how they can scour talent pools in areas where the market is particularly saturated. It is difficult to find those who will be the best fit when there are so many prospective applicants to consider in the process. AI can help to solve this problem as these systems will be responsible for looking into talent pools and conduct sufficient in-depth research that no recruiter would ever be able to replicate.

How Will Artificial Intelligence Specifically Be Used in Recruitment?

So, overall, AI is going to benefit the recruitment process and subsequently recruiters and employers, but how will it do this? There are several different ways that AI systems will work, which include the following:

Finding Candidates

The human brain can process a significant amount of information at any given time. Therefore we are able to review job applications and be able to work out whether or not the specific candidate in question would be a valuable asset to the team. Of course, whilst it can do this, it will struggle to do it hundreds of times without the quality of the process of such information dipping. Not only that, but the speed at which we process information can be considered reasonably slow. Thanks to the development of AI, this reviewing process which is necessary when looking at job applications and scouring the internet for prospective candidates is made much quicker.

When you set AI the task of putting a talent pool together, they can scan up to 300 million profiles in a very short space of time. This process will not just be machines reviewing applications that have been sent in but also looking across the web to find other prospective candidates.

These AI systems will then put together a talent pool based off these reviews and eliminate the task that employers and recruiters have of looking through application after application and profile after profile. After this, the job left for recruiters becomes a lot simpler, although AI can actually help even more…

Candidate Screening

Once a talent pool has been put together, there are still going to be a great deal of individuals to review. Before you even take the steps to choose which candidates you would like to take further and potentially interview, AI systems will be able to continue assisting with the acquisition process.

The way that artificial intelligence can do this is by screening the talent pool that it has already put together. When it does this, it will consider all the candidates within that pool and score them on what their fit within an organisation would be depending on the role they are supposed to fill. This is going to save organisations even more time as after this step, employers will simply be left with the top talent available to them.

AI systems also can initiate communication with the candidates that it thinks would be a good fit. For instance, it could automatically send out emails, messages, or assessments for candidates in order to instigate the next step forward.

Job Posting

Machine learning is incredibly effective when it comes to targeting ads and ensuring they are put in front of the right people who are likely going to engage with them. As such, it is no surprise that AI gets used in digital marketing, as it can ensure a business’s products and services are being shown to the right people. This also applies to recruitment and posting about the different jobs available at organisations.

By using AI in the same sense, you and your business can make sure that the people who end up seeing different posts about the roles you have available are the people who are most suited for them and are likely to apply. Using cookies, machine learning can make job posts much more effective by putting them in front of the right people.

Running Checks on Prospective Candidates

You need good employees to ensure your business can succeed and grow. Not only that, but you also need your business to have a good reputation, and that means you can’t just take on employees who will be good at their job, you need employees who will not damage your company’s reputation.

There are several things that go into your business’s organisation. The service you offer and how you treat customers is one of them, but it is also made up of who you associate yourself with (this applies to both staff and clients). For these reasons, it is important that KYC checks are run on any potential new hires and AI can do this very efficiently.

AI systems can take on this task at a much quicker rate than if individuals were left to investigate a candidates background themselves. Not to mention, when you use AI systems for such a task, you can be sure you are acting with legality as AI software will have been made to not infringe on human rights or interfere with aspects of the law in any way.

Organisations such as Yoono can provide these kinds of AI solutions as they will efficiently collect data on employees so you can better understand what their online reputation is like. When you have a clear understanding of this, you’re going to be in a much better position to work out whether that reputation is potentially going to come back and harm your business. Before you take on a new hire, this step is important to better understand whether you would be happy having said hire associated with your organisation.

Having a More Inclusive Workplace

It is very important that the recruitment process is one which is free of bias. Unfortunately, when we hire people, our human brain is susceptible to bias even when we don’t intend to do it. This is because we are subjective beings and as such, tend to get drawn more towards people we identify with. As a result, we start to unconsciously favour those who are from a similar background to us or look like us.

When we use AI systems in the recruitment process, we eliminate the risk of unconscious bias. Machines do not have a race, religion, or gender and as such, when talent pools and client screenings are carried out, they are done in a way where these characteristics are not taken into account. Using AI in recruitment makes it a lot more straightforward for businesses to remain inclusive and get a diverse team of people behind them.


When a candidate has finally been chosen, the work doesn’t stop there. There is a whole welcome process to go through as you make your new hire feel accepted into their new workplace, introduce them to the business and to the team. This involves a great deal of admin-based tasks, and these can take a significant amount of time.

These tasks can become a lot more streamlined with the use of AI as it can put together templates, assist with letters that need to be sent out and prepare bundles for your new hire. It is important even amongst all of this that you make a personal welcome to your hire as well because though AI can help, new employees are still going to want to meet the people that they are working for.

Will Your Business Benefit from Using Machine Learning in Recruitment?

In the past decade, artificial intelligence has come a long way to the point that it is being used in a few aspects of everyday life. It can be applied to both our personal and professional life and in this instance, is used predominantly in the recruitment process.

There are several benefits that will come to a business that decides to improve their recruitment process by using artificial intelligence within it. There are several different reasons for this but one of the most prominent is the amount of time that businesses can save by having machines look over profiles and applications as opposed to humans.

Not only that but modern businesses need to have some degree of self-awareness as a poor reputation can hinder sales and progress. AI solutions provided by businesses such as Yoono can assist with this as they will screen information about a prospective candidate in order to better understand whether or not hiring that person could tarnish an organisations reputation.

It is important that for businesses to continue to develop and thrive they need to move forward at an equal rate with advancements in technology. AI in recruitment is a fantastic example of this as by using machine learning, the process becomes a lot more efficient and will benefit businesses for years to come.



