AI and Sustainability: Our People-Centred Approach
Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI (PAI)
Putting people at the heart of AI.
We were delighted to host an important workshop on June 12 on "AI and Sustainability: Our People-Centred Approach." It was an inspiring day filled with insightful discussions about how AI can be leveraged to address critical sustainability challenges.
A huge thank you to all the attendees who joined us for this important conversation.
Key takeaways:
·??????? AI has the potential to be a transformative force in achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.
·??????? A human- and environment-centric approach is crucial for developing and utilizing sustainable AI solutions.
·??????? The 英国萨里大学 is well-positioned to make significant contributions in this field through its transdisciplinary research teams at the Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI (PAI) and the Institute for Sustainability .
A special thanks to our speakers:
·??????? Conference organiser, Dr Erick Sperandio Nascimento, Programme Lead of AI and Sustainability
·??????? Professor Adrian Hilton , Director of the Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI
·??????? Professor Prashant Kumar , Co-Director of the Institute for Sustainability
·??????? Dr Stelvia Matos , Reader in Social Innovation & Sustainability Management
And to our supporters:
·??????? Elizabeth James (Chica) , Director of Strategy and Operations, PAI who made the conference possible
·??????? All the AI & Sustainability Fellows who presented their research spotlights!
·??????? Carolina Lindberg and Dr Damiete Emmanuel-Yusuf for helping to organise the workshop
·??????? Our co-leads for contributing to our AI and Sustainability Programme.?
?We look forward to continuing this important dialogue and working together to build a more sustainable future with the help of AI.
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