AI to save lives and prevent accidents on Highways

AI to save lives and prevent accidents on Highways

AI to save lives and prevent accidents on Highways: #aiforlife 2

Quick insights into road accidents in India:

In recent years, India has seen a significant increase in road accidents. Unfortunately, the majority of the cases are caused by human error. The country contributes 1% of the world's vehicles. However, 11% of the worldwide deaths from street mishaps happen in India, as per a report by the World Bank released in 2021. Every year, around 450,000 accidents happen, of which 150,000 individuals pass away. According to the report, "India has the highest number of casualties in road accidents." and “There are 53 road accidents in the country every hour and one death every four minutes.” Another report revealed most of the cargo traffic is carried by commercial vehicles (CV) or trucks along the highways, which increases the probability of them being involved in a road accident.

Factors Contributing to Crashes on Highways:

The data from the NCRB revealed India had 7039 road crashes in 2020 due to heavy vehicles plying on NHS without tail lights and reflector strips. During the night and harsh weather, low visibility with no rear lights maximizes the chance of accidents as the vehicles ahead don’t appear until they come severely close. Given the current scenario, the National Highways Authority of India declared vehicles without proper tail lights will not be allowed to ply on expressways to reduce congestion and mishaps.

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Broken or off headlights, tail lights, and other vehicle lights top the list of legal violations. While lights probably won't appear as severe as broken-down brakes or worn-out truck tires, they are significant. When heavy transports and other enormous business vehicles have inoperable vehicle lights, truck mishaps frequently happen, bringing about serious injuries or fatalities.

AI to Monitor Vehicles on highways:

India has the second-highest road network after the US and requires weighty enforcement activities and personnel to monitor improper driving behavior. Thus, deploying a lot of forces is not possible. But we can use technology to ensure roads are safe and laws are being followed by citizens. AI solutions deployed on IP cameras can act as a deterrent to reduce road crashes.

These cameras are fixed at the start of the lane to detect vehicles with cracked or non-functioning taillights. When a vehicle passes through a toll, it crosses a lane with speed breakers with a compulsion to apply breaks. That is when the cameras map the non-functional tail lights. If not found operational, the vehicle gets rejected while validating FASTag.

Keeping a check on thousands of vehicles passing through the toll is not humanly possible. Thus, the AI detects non-compliance in real-time and restricts the vehicle when not found following the traffic guidelines, instigates the team to take the required action.?

This step can be executed to reveal traffic rule infringement. Furthermore, this would be an initiative to save human resources and human lives as well. What do you think? Share with us your thoughts and comments.?



