AI vs Human Intelligence in Retail
Hello and welcome to our latest addition of the ProSolve LinkedIn newsletter, we hope you are having a good week and thank you for the support on our last issue. This week's issue focuses on the recent developments of AI in retail. Sit back, relax, grab a cuppa and enjoy this week's issue!
AI vs Human Intelligence in Retail
AI, it's the two characters that are on everyone's lips but is it really damaging the retail industry? We've all probably used AI one way or another over the last year or so, whether that's in the form of virtual assistants such as Alexa or through the ever popular ChatGPT, but is it doing more harm than good?
As a customer facing business the thought of using AI rather than human connection does worry us a little as it feels as though most retail companies are buying into the AI movement. Whether that's through often inaccurate product recommendations, misleading descriptions, poor AI generated imagery or generic order tracking chat bots which are about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. This isn't to say that we are against AI because we aren't, we believe that embracing change and moving with the times are extremely important. However, here at ProSolve we want you to rest assured knowing that no matter how powerful or big the AI craze is, we will never lose one of our core values which is exceptional HUMAN service.
How our customer facing team sets us apart from the rest...
AI might be failing in retail, but our renowned customer service is clearly working in the construction industry...