AI will not replace you because...
Sayings become the norm very quickly and nowhere does this seem more apparent than when it relates to education and/or employment. One of the most oft heard phrases at the moment is a variant of:
AI will not replace you but a person with AI skills will
Let me declare right now I wholeheartedly believe that to be the truth. It is an important message to spread to my colleagues, the students I work and the wider community. However, it requires extensive unpacking for most people to understand what they can and should do to function in an #ai assisted world.
Although there is a lot of speculation here, history to date suggests that the five conditions where AI will not replace you, are where you:
If we spread these kind of messages, I believe it starts to dispel a lot of the fears of AI and helps people to understand what is important where human beings can prosper in the AC (After #chatgpt) era.