Is AI really dominating humans? Check out.
AI will overtake humans and grow more intelligent.
- Elon Musk
It will either be the best thing that's ?ever happened to us, or it will be the? worst thing. If we're not careful, it very? well may be the last thing.
- Stephen Hawking
An AI supercomputer can write a novel. It can also compose music. It has even defeated humans in the game of Go.
Going forward AI will open up new possibilities and? they say it can carryout unlimited tasks. But will AI surpass humans and reach limitless heights?
Are there finite stars or infinite? stars in the night? sky? It is said that there are? finite number of stars in ?universe.
Are there these lights, finite?or?infinite? It is said that there are? finite number of electors in ?the entire universe.
Its not impossible count it.
But we can see an infinity within a painting.
The stars in the painting is drawn by Vincent ?van Gogh in 1889 impressed people even after? 100 years and will continue to do even 1000? from now. Although he lived a? finite life ,his works? contain infinite? quality.
In the beginning we asked if AI can reach unlimited ?heights?
AI can only accomplish amazing tasks through formulas and ?data entered by humans.
AI that is based on finite data can never reach infinity ?but Humans are different. Its our job to dive into the imagination and creativity into AI.
Like ,George Cantor, who? created set theory based on ?the principles of infinity and? solved many complex ?problems and made ?dazzling progress in his? field.
AI? IS? NOT? AN? INFINITE? VALUES,ITS? AN? INFINITE THINKING. We can dream with no bounds and it can ?also free the boundaries of our thinking. Infinity is not in the far future, its within us ?right now.