A.I. Primer - The Best Videos to Watch
Ever since Google's supercomputer beat the world Go champion in March 2016, the interest in A.I. has rocketed and spurred a mountain of content on the internet. Most of it aimed to sensationalize and capture attention by playing up the loss of jobs to A.I., the 'technological singularity' that could see A.I. start to dominate over man, and how A.I. will be the 'electricity' of this era, becoming a part of everything around us etc...
What is the true state of A.I., and how will it change our world for the foreseeable future? These videos talks about what A.I. is capable of now and in the future:
The wonderful and terrifying implications of computers that can learn
Jeremy Howard predicts that jobs in services will be increasingly lost to machines, including those involve reading and writing, identifying things, speaking and listening, and integrating knowledge. He cites examples like driving cars, preparing food, diagnosing disease, finding legal precedents as those in peril of being taken over by ‘computers that can learn’.
How AI can bring on a second Industrial Revolution
However, Kevin Kelly says that art, exploration, innovation, human relationships etc; ‘non-efficient’ activities will remain the domain of human beings. Do u agree? Can highly creative and imaginative activities never be replaced by A.I.? Or are there no limits to what A.I. can do in the future?
The rise of human-computer cooperation
Shyam Sankar takes a more balanced and optimistic view. He thinks a combination of human and computer capabilities still derives the greatest result from A.I. and big data for the moment.
What happens when our computers get smarter than we are?
Philosopher and technologist Nick Bostrom ponders over the moral and ethical hazard that if limitations are not imposed on A.I., a 'Terminator' or 'Matrix' style future could occur for mankind.
DARPA sums it all up by presenting a 'level-headed' and realistic explanation of A.I. tech's evolution, where it is right now and what it can do, and the future advancements required before A.I. can even begin to process 'contextual' information like human beings.
The DARPA video has the least views of all of the above; but yet it probably paints the most accurate albeit boring picture. Yet another proof of 'the boring truth' doesn't sell? You decide for yourself.