7 Easy-Follow Highly Effective Healthy Habits for a Healthy Life
Nitish Chandra Saha Ray
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A little bit of change in your mindset and lifestyle can get you a quite healthy and happy life.
When health is considered the root of all happiness, why do you bypass it? Your health is your best asset.
?None can shape you unless you’re committed to adopting a few easy-follow highly effective healthy habits for a healthy life — the message is loud and clear!
Most probably, time constraints don't allow you to take up steps toward healthy practices. Some simple healthy habits can help you boost your energy immensely.?
What is good health? The simple reply is the body state that functions at an optimal level and responds accordingly.?
Man is the slave of his habits, and by developing healthy habits, you can remain active throughout the day and your entire life span.
A little positive change in your food habits, sleeping order, and lifestyle may result in you being blessed with happy and sound health.
Interestingly, developing those effective healthy habits won’t cost you any penny. Instead, they save you hefty bucks. Then let’s review the 7 easy-follow healthy habits that are proven effective to keep you healthy.
1. Rise and Shine early ?
We all know the popular proverb “Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”?
?Early rising practice will give you plenty of opportunities- you’ll have plenty of time to clean your inner and outer wastages before rushing for the hustle and bustle of daily life. Cleanliness is the prerequisite to being healthy.??
Exposure to good morning sunlight will nourish your body with vitamin D, which will work like a magic booster against any potential illness.?
In short, be an early bird, not a night owl to get a healthy and self-dependent life.
2. Get A Workout or Go for A Outdoor Walk
Doing exercise in the nearby gym for some quality time can be ideal for adults to middle-aged people.
When you’re a busy bee, it’s not possible to get a ? workout going at a gym. You may do some exercises at home with some light and handy exercise tools, such as a jumping rope, stretching band, adjustable dumbbell, treadmills, twisters, and so on.?
Cycling, swimming, or taking part in any type of physical-action games and sports will also help you get strong and relaxed.
?For the elderly- it doesn’t mean you have to go and run on the treadmill every day. You might be excited in the beginning, but you’re going to drop off after a couple of days or weeks.?So, you’re not suggesting such strenuous exercise. However, 20-30 minutes of walking might be the best fit for you.?
There are some different poses of? Yoga that are easy and flexible for all including the elderly. Even those poses can be practiced on a mat or your bed.?
Light exercise or walking 5/6 days a week can also be optimal to reap the benefits of sound health.
The bottom line is you’ve to get some movement in every day to burn out calories, make your stomach air out, shake off the rust and rejuvenate yourself.
3.?Eat Healthy for Healthy life
You must have protein-rich foods and avoid sugary, salty, and fatty foods. Don’t eat out frequently instead, always have home-cooked foods and remain healthy.?
Make a habit of eating a filling and rich breakfast, a balanced lunch, and a light dinner to keep yourself healthy, creative, and energized.
a.?Protein Full Morning Breakfast
According to nutritionists, breakfast is the key meal of the day as you have it after a long period of night fasting.?
Never skip the first meal of the day to save time or for the sake of losing weight- it is more likely to backfire you as running on empty can leave you fatigued and inactive in the workplace.?
Always start your day with a high-protein breakfast because that sets the tone for the day regarding how your body is going to utilize and store energy.? According to Harvard Health Blog.com,? an adult needs to take in about 0.8 grams of protein per day for every kilogram of body weight.?
?Make sure you’re having a hearty meal for your breakfast as it’ll help you restore energy and fuel to start moving and go on.
Be sure, your good morning meal is full of proteins and vitamins. A high-protein breakfast helps you build your muscles and maintain optimal glucose levels.
You can have a smoothie recipe with organic pea protein with some berries, water, and almond milk, and just add a handful of raw spinach to your shake.??
Eggs, milk, yogurts, cheese, nuts, and seeds should be in your breakfast bowl. They improve your immune system immensely.?
A habit of taking a glass of fruit juice every day may sound good and beneficial, but it will not bring any benefit to your body. You’re confused! Let me help you understand where the problem is: juice and alcohol are scientifically equated with sugar.?
?A glass of orange juice is equal to approximately 6/8? oranges. Have you ever thought of eating that number of fruits in one sitting? Probably NO. And remember you are pouring such a huge amount of sugary juice into your body without any fiber. Won’t it prompt a sugar rush throughout your body and store it to bring casualty in your body systems??
?Like sugar, you must limit your salt intake as it causes serious diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and calcium deficiency.?
Don’t forget to eat sufficient veggies and raw fruits as they contain huge fiber which slows down the sugar rush throughout the body.
You need to cut down on your sugar intake as it causes higher blood pressure, weight gain, inflammation, diabetes, memory loss, and many more.
In the initial days, you may find it hard to come out of the habit of sugary foods. But if you get through the hump for roughly ten days, it will be much easier to develop the habit.???
b.?Have A Balanced Lunch To Keep Fit
What you eat is always crucial. Have a healthy lunch to remain active. You are likely to stay out at lunchtime, so keep a home-cooked lunch pack with you. If you eat out, never forget to put salad, soup, and vegetables on your lunch plate.
Pick your launch recipes from the following lists:?
- ??Avocado and egg
- ?loaded vegetable sandwich?
- ?Summer rolls with peanut sauce
- Lentil vegetable soup and Chili
- Chicken burrito bowl with rice and beans
- ?Eat fruits, Not Juice for Avoiding Sugar?
- Mixed vegetables include cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks, capsicum, and cucumber.
- Brainy olives are a nice match for creamy cheese
Regularly you should drink a glass of green-grass-fed cow’s milk, or you may pour it on cereal in the morning. Milk is an ideal food for people of all ages to maintain good health.
C. Dine A Light Dinner To Get Sound Sleep
Try to complete your dinner early at night so that you may get sufficient time to digest them before you go to bed. Otherwise, it may turn your night's sleep into a nightmare, producing gas in your stomach.
Healthy dinner recipes can be picked from the following menus:?
- Fish/meat
- Wheat/rice/potato
- Vegetables or vegetable soups(carrot, broccoli, cucumber)
- Bread and salad
- Tea/coffee
In short, if you want to bring a positive change in your health, you must focus on your game-changing meal breakfast. As it sets the tone of your body for the remaining day. Don’t forget to have a balanced launch and a light dinner.?
4. Stay Hydrated All-day-long for a Healthy Life?
The other name of water is life. Drink sufficient water to remain hydrated and flush toxins out. Dehydration may lead to serious health hazards, like urinary tract infections, kidney damage, kidney stone, constipation, etc.?
2.5 to 3 liters of fluid every day is the normal range for an adult. If you tend to sweat a lot whatever the reason is, you have to take more to make up for it e.i., 3.5 to 4 liters.
Set the goal that fits your needs according to your physical condition- not too much not too less because excess of anything is harmful.
You’re likely to forget to drink water timely. At the beginning of instilling the habit, you have to be more focused on it. Once you develop, it might be a natural process for you.
You may follow the following to make it a daily habit.
- ?Measure how much water you take each day
- ?Take 2 to 3 glasses of water, just after?getting up?
- ?Drink water each time you discharge to fill?
- ?Keep a water bottle with you while staying out
- ?Set an alarm or notification as a reminder
- ?Drink a glass of water each time before you have a meal
5. Cut Smoking and Limit Alcohol
It may seem to you that alcohol helps you get better sleep, virtually it often disrupts your sleeping mood. Regular alcohol consumption may take a toll on your liver and other parts of your beloved body.?
Alcohol habit may make you lethargic as the mobility of the body falls down when you are under its influence.
Be determined to quit smoking today as it geopardises your life, causing serious life-threatening diseases such as cancer, heart diseases, lung diseases, diabetes, high-per-tension, and whatnot. ?
6. Manage stress; have healthy relations for healthy life
Cheer up yourself- never beat yourself up over anything wrong. Get near and dear ones around you in your tough times, talk to them openly, share, and get relief.?
Find true friends and like-minded colleagues to share and get a solution to the problem. Mental tranquility is essential to get rid of stress.
Whatever happens with whoever, stay calm and deal with patience and courage.
Let Bygones be Bygones! Kiss and make up your relations with friends, family members, and colleagues who had once misunderstandings with you over tiny issues or egos.?
They will make your life easier, extending their helping hands in your difficult times.
If there is any mistake from your side, take the blame, make an apology, and sort out the problem. Believe in the theory that “To err is human, to forgive is divine”.
??Try to fabricate a close-knit family, not a dysfunctional family. Spend quality time with your family, and you will get the best of both worlds.?
Music and cultural programs may help you overcome mental stress. The option of playing indoor games with your friends and family will support you to handle mental pressure.?
Try to learn something new that you are interested in. You can be creative in cooking or making a showpiece with your home trash.
?If you have a stubborn streak, control it because a quick-tempered person can never maintain a healthy and comfortable life rather it destroys mental peace.?
The tactics of controlling a quick temper will bring blessings in both your personal and professional fields.
Happiness lies in contentment, so try to remain satisfied with what you have. Don’t live beyond your means- don’t chase a wild goose.
7. Get Deep and Restful sleep To Stay Healthy?
Sleep and health go hand-in-hand, and a sleep-deprived person can never be mentally sound. Sleep helps your body and brain recover from daily wear and tear.??
Scientific evidence suggests that an adult should develop 7-9 hours of sleep as healthy habits for a healthy life. So go to bed and sleep like a baby without having pressure loaded on your brain.??
The benefits of optimal sleeping are as follows:
- Grow Energy Level
- Improve Brain Performance
- Boost Your Testosterone Hormone
- Help Lead a Happy Life
- Increase Metabolism
- Repair Body and Brain Nerve and Tissue
- Remove Body Toxins
- Sharpen Eye Sights
- Make Your Skin More Glowing
Here are some common sleeping habits to follow:
- ?Go to bed at the same time regularly
- ?Don’t build a habit of lying in even at the weekend.
- ?Make clean yourself before you turn in
- ?Get your bed cleaned and comfortable
- ?Don’t take alcohol, coffee, tea, or soft drinks just before your sleep
- ?Omit or shorten your daytime nap
- ?Wear loose clothes for better sleep?and better blood circulation
- ?Stop binge-watching well before
- ?Keep your bedroom separate from??the working room
- Drift into a deep and restful sleep,?
In essence, you are going to bed with a refreshed body and mind full of joy. Those are simple and easy-following but highly effective healthy habits for a healthy life. Instill these effective healthy habits in your life and shake off the negativity. Let me know about the rules you consider the best fit to follow to stay fit.
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2 年Nice
These are quite useful tips
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2 年Thank you for publishing such a beneficial article. We know most of all but it reminds me of the necessity of health rules to follow. Writing is so smooth that everyone must get hooked on it.
Direct Marketing Copywriter & Strategist | Helping Coaches, Creators, E-commerce Brands, and Entrepreneurs Craft, Execute, and Convert with Sales Messaging | Sales Pages, Emails, Landing Pages, Web Content|
2 年Here on LinkedIn is my first Article. Being a professional. After researching, I have expressed my views on how to stay healthy and happy in life. I'm sharing this article to share with all of you- your suggestion and appreciation will help me lot to write more and more...